Franklin Templeton PM fired after viral video

You guys see this? Apparently this chick, Amy Cooper, was Head of Insurance solutions (PM & strat) at Franklin Templeton.

I looked her up and she’s in the CFA directory

People on r/CFA were opining that this scenario would appear in an Ethics question on one or more of this year’s CFA exams: violation or not?

wow that sucks

Which part:

  • That she’s a charterholder?
  • That she’s an idiot?
  • That she got fired for being an idiot?
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sucks for everyone involved

Couldn’t believe what I saw on that video. Must have been the first time in the history of the world a woman has made a false accusation against a man to get him in trouble.

What do you think?

While being a … malevolent prick isn’t explicitly an ethics violation, I’d think it comes awfully close to compromising the CFAI’s reputation under 7A.

I was thinking more of I(D): moral turpitude.

What happened before the video clip? Why was the man recording her in the first place?

Probably looking for some material nonpublic information.


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Wow. On top of it she almost choked out her own dog. I’m actually laughing out loud here. Some people. She was completely out of her mind and the guy was chill as could be.

Hard to say if that’s an ethics violation. Could make a case for violating duties to employer, but that’s a stretch. Net-net I’d go with no violation. But I can already see the “sorry, that’s incorrect…” Tricky one.

What do y’all think should happen to this woman? She already lost her job… Lets say she gets charged for making a false report, animal abuse, some others they tack on. She pays her fines and maybe does jail time, is that enough? She good after say 5 years? 10 years? or is this woman to be banished from society forever?

Hard to come back from that one. Maybe a fine and public shaming will be her punishment. But have to imagine she’s in society’s dog house for at least the next few years.

Remember that guy who yelled at the lady at the chick-fil-a window? I just looked up, happened 8 years ago and there were articles written about it 2 years ago. And that was no where near as big a deal as this.

I don’t know if that’s fair, I’m on the fence.

Definitely not fair. Obviously there’s no excuse for behaving like that but ending up in this kind of viral video turns the punishment way out of proportion.

Lol honestly racism is far worse than sexism.

I agree with Codtrawler. I mean, this woman was an idiot, and the minute she saw someone filming her, she should have a) kept her mask on, and b) just walked away. But today, having a video out there like this floating around is a 30-second scarlet letter that the public will just use to sound bite you out of existence. It’s an unfortunate and gross asymmetry that the public has nothing better to do than villainize people who mess up like this and just apply the blanket rationale that, well, “this must be how they act all the time.” Maybe, but we should know better than to take a singular example out of context and draw conclusions. In the old days, you really needed a pattern of behavior like this for people to understand you were a dirtbag. Now, if someone is having a bad day and it got on camera, it’s over. The same reason why gossip mags sell, why trash TV works, is that same reptilian instinct to see someone with moderate to high success in life be knocked down — that’s what’s going on here. The finance version. It’s why we all unblinkingly ate our popcorn when Doug Hodge was made an example of.

On a related note, I thought it was interesting — I found out that the guy filming used to be an editor for Marvel comics for a short while.

Dont think this was racism, she would have done it to any person there.
And for the people thinking punishment will be too harsh, remember that she was ready to possibly jail that guy for not obeying her whims. There should be no mercy for liars like her