Gender pay gap

which is why any discussion of the pay gap where people quote that click bate .70 cents on the dollar is stupid. I mentioned that in a previous post, I dont at all disagree with that. There is still a pay gap but its not a ridiculous number like that, that .70 number is unadjusted and statisticians obviously adjust and make a more robust number that shows there is one. Anyone throwing out that .70 number is an idiot and doesnt help any real discussion. Any valid study of a wage gap that is valid isnt done on raw averages, you need to look at cross sections and things like that.

It doesn’t matter if it is .50 or .95 on the dollar. The problem is that politicians and media spout these figures and say “this is outrageous, we are discriminating against women in this society and we need to institute harsh regulations on corporations to make them pay women fairly!” Well the fact of the matter is, higher pay is a reward for greater responsibility and risk taking which women don’t pursue to the same degree as men. So what are you arguing for Yayy?

bible says there are equal wages in heaven :slightly_smiling_face:

Im not arguing for any sort of forced government program to implement. I certainly dont think having some independent organization to help promote it within business is a bad thing though. Its not like things change overnight, but things will never change if you dont at least provide awareness and education on subjects.

Also I think your point is missing the argument about it, its not about women taking less challenging roles. Thats the on average crap that doesnt matter, its about statistics that show in the same role, after the same career trajectory women earning less. VP/MDs at banks etc etc. You obviously cant compare apples to oranges and try to talk about a pay gay, you need to benchmark your statistic properly and in doing so the wage gap isnt nearly that scary 70 cents on the dollar number but it does still exist.

Which buffoon would want to be born in a demographic that earns less than the national median on average or born with a sexual orientation that comes with the threat of physical violence for no reason.

crikey matey, you having a laugh?

in case you havent noticed PA really likes to complain. He would love to be the trifecta of disadvantaged peoples so he could cry on the internet (more than he already does)

Agree, you have to compare apples with apples. I doubt any of these studies are robust enough to properly take account of the factors I mention though. Would you say that a fair comparison is a man and a woman with the same hire date, and education level? See below.

  • A man and a woman are in the same position for the same length of time but the man is consistently taking on extra projects, working overtime, and earning bonuses for achievements based off his stronger work ethic. The woman is consistently taking more vacation, more sick days, missing meetings, and lagging on projects. The man makes 25% more than the woman. The man promotes sooner than the woman.

Is this inequality? Don’t think so.

you are correct, in a case like that its certainly inequality but I think its a stretch to assume based on everyones personal experience that is the case. Think its good to have people be educated on these things to at least attempt to help with possible biases they may have.

Google it. Many studies have found that women take more sick days than men (presumably because of kids). Women take days off when kids are sick, women leave early to cart kids home from school, women take time to go to appointments and parent teacher meetings during the day. Is it fair that women bear the brunt of childcare? No, but it’s not the employer’s fault. That’s a family dynamic decision between the parents. I think if you look at single women compared to men in a controlled study you will find little to no discrepancy in pay.

In fact checkout the reverse gender wage gap in this study. " this reverse gender gap, as it’s known, applies only to unmarried, childless women under 30 who live in cities.",8599,2015274,00.html

interesting but that still misses the point IMO due to the fact that thats simply attributable to more women going to college than men and wages at that age will be higher for anyone with education. You can compare broad groups like that its the apples & oranges we talked about before. While you do bring up valid points about child care etc, I just dont think its harmful to make people aware of any possible biases. Im not advocating some federal program making sure pay for men & women is the same at individual firms and things.

So your saying that you need a study that controls for dozens? hundreds of variables? Where can I find this study?

Bottom line- In a capitalist system if you could find an equally qualified woman to do the job as good as a man for less pay you would hire her and fire him. The gender wage gap issue is a bullshit narrative manufactured by SJWs who went to a few to many v@gina monologue showings. Every employer has bias, if you don’t like what you are getting paid then find another job because believe it or not the whole system is not engineered to screw you.

Lol I can’t say the word vagina? what is this the Big Lebowski?

Alright dude, whatever. Tried to have a civil discussion but once someone starts throwing out SJWWJD librulz muh GUNZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ its time to move on. And yes they blocked any word thats any fun on this site now. We’ll have to invest some cool stuff.

from personal experience, the child care issue is major and part of it self-perpetuates. who takes the most time off to get the kids to and from places? usually the person with less job responsibility and lower pay is usually the one that will deal with kids’ sick days and appointments most of the time. it’s just less risky for the household. here’s the thing, the person who took time off to have the kid and look after the kid for the first year (or less in the US) is likely the person who makes less as their career has had some child related speed bumps in it. add to that the fact that women try to marry up and men typically marry down, and the person who deals with the kids is almost always going to be the woman. a female dominated office environment is always going to be more flexible than a firefighter, police officer, construction worker (and other construction like jobs - mason, electrician, etc), manufacturing worker, trucker, miner.

add this to the general conservatism of women and a 5-10% discount is not a surprise at all. does it need to be addressed? how can it be?

^ The issue isn’t a gender issue though, its a child rearing issue. I’ve worked with single dads who had it really hard, basically couldn’t work a normal job and had to do telecommute or contract work only. Making it a gender issue is dismissing the root problem (which is what LIBRUUULZ do all the time).

most moms want to stay home. and many moms need to stay home for at least some period of time for recovery. especially in obese america where c-sections are fairly common. how is one gender’s preference to child rear and needs to recover from childbirth not an issue?

single dads are much rarer than single moms as well and this skew also goes a long way to making it difficult for women to achieve pay “equality”.

Cool, then lets work to solve the child care one and im onboard and the issue will solve itself apparently. We’ll find out if that is the root cause, hardly being dismissive. Seems more like a 2 birds with one stone issue really, whats the worst case it doesnt solve the pay gap but does make child care better? Thats still a better place to be in than we are currently.

^ We already give women time off for child birth and recovery. We already give tax breaks to people with kids. What does it take to “equalize” this issue? When you see passed the gender inequality mirage there is no victim to point to. It is a decision to have a kid. The person who foregoes having a child to dedicate their time to advanced degrees and work earns that higher salary and early promotion over the person who decided to spend their time rearing a child.


Yet more than merit would dictate.

Minorities and women are “special people”; you could run for office with the democrats and get in with zero talent, you could be a CEO with zero talent, you could get into Harvard with an 80 IQ, you could accuse any opponent of being a bigot and they would be guilty until proven innocent. Sounds like a party!

You’ve never lived in the USA right?

Sounds like you just described white guys since the dawn of time :wink: