Woah, bchad! Talking technicals! Yes, I agree with your view

Unfortunately not!

i think it’s good for up to 5% of your total portfolio but that’s about it

GLD has been accelerating for the last 4-5 days.However,I closed out my position when it was little in the money based on what I read here.I am so unlucky!

I certainly didn’t see this happening. I actually don’t like days when gold jumps like this (though this is the biggest that I can recall in a few years).

While I still fear a strong dollar, if US interest rates are going to stay low for a while, gold will benefit. Now, if I could just predict interest rates…

As far as what I’m actually doing in my PA, as I’ve stated previously, I’m actively trading SLW. It’s been a productive last 12 months. I’ve bought below $12 each time and each time got out with a minimum 10% gain each time. Unfortunately, I sold my latest position around $13.75 just last week. Didn’t expect this, but I guess I shouldn’t cry over realized gains. Definitely not buying now.

Cash on the sidelines…