Has not yet exited the race officially even though Obama has clinched the nomination. She has spent millions of dollars of her own for her failed campaign. What behavioral bias is she exhibiting?
overconfidence from day 1, more recently loss aversion
Is arrogance and ignorance a choice?
Anchoring?? she doesn’t like the turn of events and is ignoring them
regret avoidance: may be who knows, sustantial supedelegates maychange their mind in the coming weeks due to some thing that transpires… she need not regret it by accepting the nomination by herself…
she is not even checking her phone calls, e-mails, news, etc, to check her loss… ebullyence cycle
I would say regret minimization. She regrets: 1) Not leaving Bill sooner 2) Spending some $6 million of her own money 3) Regrets her witch-like attitude 4) Not leaving Bill sooner
how about bounded rationality? it’s tough when you’re not working with a full deck…
I would also add - Aversion to Ambiguity. She fears having to find a new career and the possibility of Bill leaving her for someone younger and friendlier…
Add to that - Representativeness…she claims she won the popular vote, but that doesn’t really count in our political system. It’s a stereotype.
Recallability - she mentioned JFK the other day.
Every behavioral bias under the sun…
Also - Anchoring and Adjustment. She’s failing to take into account new information that she has lost the campaign and is still in it…
Loss aversion. Staying in a losing position too long.
Shock…that the dems would really nominate someone whose entire appeal seems to be emotionally based and unwarranted. Guy didn’t even know what the Hanford nuclear waste cleanup site/project was/is…scary actually.
cfastudent Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Shock…that the dems would really nominate > someone whose entire appeal seems to be > emotionally based and unwarranted. Guy didn’t even > know what the Hanford nuclear waste cleanup > site/project was/is…scary actually. Yeah, Obama is quiet shallow in the knowledge department
Shocking…but I’m sure he knows about the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq… cfastudent Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Shock…that the dems would really nominate > someone whose entire appeal seems to be > emotionally based and unwarranted. Guy didn’t even > know what the Hanford nuclear waste cleanup > site/project was/is…scary actually.
I think he’s a bright guy, but I am not impressed with his performance in the debates and some of the positions he has taken. To me they reflect a naive world view. Hope I’m wrong. For our industry to be competitive, I was hoping that we could achieve universal health care coverage. He is not proposing that, so it seems hard to imagine it being accomplished. When you look at our auto industry, it’s very hard for them to compete since they have to provide health care and other legacy costs.
comp_sci_kid Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > Yeah, Obama is quiet shallow in the knowledge > department more than Bush ? Before 9/11, he thought Afghanistan was another state in the union and Osama was the governor.
Truth is, politicians are not bright in general. The really “smart” people know that they would rather not deal with the country’s issues. Would Bill Gates or Warren Buffet like to be President, ever? I doubt it. But if I have to pick between the lesser of two “evils”, I’m not going with McCain. cfastudent Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I think he’s a bright guy, but I am not impressed > with his performance in the debates and some of > the positions he has taken. To me they reflect a > naive world view. Hope I’m wrong. > > For our industry to be competitive, I was hoping > that we could achieve universal health care > coverage. He is not proposing that, so it seems > hard to imagine it being accomplished. When you > look at our auto industry, it’s very hard for them > to compete since they have to provide health care > and other legacy costs.