Hot conservative well-spoken women...

The social behavior has existed for thousands of years in which men show they care for women through providing materially (Livelihood, shelter, food) and women show they care for men with physical affection and child rearing. Feminism has worked to topple this long ingrained behavior and it goes against our programming. This is most evident in how children are being raised and educated and how families in societies where feminism is on the rise are becoming more disjointed. While feminism has arguably done a lot of good for the woman individual it has done irreparable harm to the family unit. I think eventually marriage won’t even exist and monogamy will be an ancient thing altogether.

Whenever a grown ass man uses a term like ‘Beta’ I always get the impression that they were socially awkward growing up probably picked on a lot and have gone full crazy trying to emulate behavior of ‘Alphas’ to compensate for their own insecurities and tiny dicks.

The extrapolation about monogamy dying out made no sense and the only satisfaction I got from watching that chick talk smack was realizing the amount of internalized hopelessness she has to deal with in everyday life.

Sorry, but the riveted black leather headboard is totally distracting me!!! That, and my short attention span.

Oh really? Whenever a man makes assumptions about another man’s dick size I always get the impression they have a preoccupation with dicks. Just an observation of course.

Not sure where you are but I split the bill with my gf 99% of the time and no one has ever thought it was weird and tbh if they did screw them. I wouldnt debate going for drinks/dinner with a woman who isnt on board with splitting as it shows where their mind is at. Obviously situations differ and if i were making significantly more than my spouse I would expect I would pay more as well.

A lot of this thread seems like guys are just complaining because men had it so sweet from the beginning of time until now and things are starting to change. Maybe if you dig your heels further into the sand itll stop things from changing! That said there are obvious differences in the genders which give people inherent advantages in certain tasks. That of course is based on large samples of data and any individual can be an outlier that can excel at virtually anything.

+10000 this is certainly true. The most beta thing ever is being obsessed with “alpha” and “beta”. I assume those people also use the word cuck which is a nice word they use to pat themselves on the back and attempt to make others feel worse. Go on reddit on the red pill subreddit and 99.9% of that population fits your description

Yayyywork, I understood the division of payment issue as more of a who pays for a first or second date, rather than how things work in an ongoing relationship. Things definitely evolve over time and the variations can be as unique as the couples.

I have been with women who - after the early date phase - don’t have any issue splitting the bill or even paying for the whole thing, but they don’t want to be seen as paying. They slip me their credit card discretely and want me to present it to the waiter and even sign for them. I don’t quite get the issue there, and I don’t like what effectively is forging their signature (albeit at their request), but it seems a common enough thing that it no longer surprises me when I encounter it.

Yeah, I think she addresses this in one of her videos.

All the single-mother-raised emasculated men trying to grow beards and act “alpha”. Feminism created this, now chicks bitch about it. Guess what? This is why we didn’t let women make decisions in the first place, because they are unable to forecast obvious outcomes, and take responsibility for their own actions.

Guys back in the 50s must have been like “feminism, oh dumb move, you should not do that”, but chicks thought they knew better. Now the silly matriarchy crumbles. crying

So the idea that all races are equal is “garbage”?? She is GARBAGE!!

I am not even watching the rest of it.

Yup. As you said, it is an idea , if it were reality you would not have to say “idea”…in fact you wouldn’t have to say anything, because everyone would know it.

fair enough bchad, I later read your posts after posting mine and saw you made some solid points that are hard to argue with. Certainly the dynamic shifts after that early phase, although I know guys who are too flashy early on and then attract the kind of woman who expects you to pay. Those are the ones to avoid, but as you said those are generally pretty easy to spot

You are just picking on my word choice. And I made the wrong one. I should have used the word “fact” instead.

Gynarchy , “but my feelings and my opinions!”…

Patriarchy"shut up and do your job"…

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…

I certainly would not expect PA to adhere to this idea (it is an idea, as is everything that can be put in language), but the fool in the video you posted is trying to seem very old school American. If all men are created equal, all races with men in them must also be equal. This is logic. Unless you want to say it is additive, in which case the race with the most people would be dominant.

First dates, not relationships.

I’m not complaining. I don’t mind paying. If people want equality then it should be absolute, not equality when it’s convenient. Society complains that body shaming women is bad but women 99% of the time would never go out with a guy shorter than them. That’s all. Works both ways.

Yes that is logic, from a premise which is not rooted in nature (reality), and thus false.

Her overall theme, though not stated directly; society memes are not reality based…and failing for that reason.

I mean, that chick said she was dumped because she whines about being a repressed conservative. The dude just hit it and quit it, told her she’s annoying as F, just wanted to get out of there. Can’t blame him.

I can’t be bothered to watch videos or really even read all the replies, but if anyone believes all races are equal, well, you’re wrong. Just like men and women aren’t equal either.

That doesn’t mean you can’t treat people as equals or treat everyone fairly or with respect. But people of varying groups will have varying characteristics making them, by definition, different.

The best thing about dumping a repressed conservative who whines all the time is the complete freedom to tell her she’s being dumped because her whining is intolerable.

It’s liberals who argue that one has an obligation to take whining as something other than a PITA.