How do you tell your boss he's a ***k

Sounds like he wants something else

Back to the original question: How to tell you boss that he’s a jerk? (That’s what ***k stands for, I assume.)

Simple–once you pass the exams and get a better job, just hand him your two week’s notice.

Then you become a ***k

***k could also be the D in BSD. As in Richard.

When I was a warhead designer, we almost had a mutiny because of our new boss. I was elected to talk to his boss, and a week after we talked, I was called to his office, where I found our boss, and his lieutenant.

In the course of the discussion, my boss asked me if I thought he’d ever given me competent technical direction on any project. (Bear in mind: we’re in his boss’ office.) After a few minutes’ (yes: minutes) thought, I said that I couldn’t recall any examples.

Does that count?

(Note: in response, he mentioned a conversation on a program from two years earlier. I knew that he hadn’t come up with the solution to the problem that was the topic of discussion – one of my colleagues had – but I relented and said that if, in fact, he had proffered the solution, I was mistaken. I do believe, however, that if one has to reach two years in the past to provide an example . . . well . . . that speaks for itself.)

In response to the inevitable question: no, I didn’t remain there long after that meeting.

The more you hate someone at work, the more you should make them your friend. Best case is they treat you better. Worst case is you can flip the tables if you need to at some point…

^I like that advice. It can be hard to make practical, but it’s smart.

Lately I’ve been trying a bit of a zen thing. When someone wants me to do something that I see a few problems with, instead of getting angry and arguing forcefully about the problems, I just turn off the part of my brain that gets angry, calmly explain a few key points, and then just do what they want anyway. Living life angry sucks.

Keep your friends close, your enemies closer.

Start meditating and that’ll become easier