Industry Terms You Can't Stand


“Generational wealth”

“Custom portfolios”

“You’re getting paid to wait”

i just saw a documentary with that title. they showed a quick interview of kacey jordan. it was fascinating.

What the hell does that mean? Sounds like some baloney to me.

Bolt-on acquisition!!!

This phrase makes the concept of receiving interest seem like a brand new phenomenon.

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In reference to owning dividend paying stocks.

theres no such thing as a free meal



Bro you buying an undervalued asset that also pays a big fat divvy. Obviously you aren’t outperforming while I’m over here getting paid to wait :joy:

you are nothing but a cost center.

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we need to penetrate the market. rofl thats my favorite slogan now.

Is anyone else noticing the hideous trend of people responding to emails, assuring you that they will “revert back to you?” I can’t express enough to these people using this term…this makes someone sound utterly clueless and ridiculous. You’re going to, um, what, now? Go backwards in your mutation process, reverse the entropy and transform into me? At an earlier stage in time from your perspective? I mean, after all, you just promised to revert back to me. Are you me at some future date? What happened to just, you know, replying back or responding back to someone? I don’t want to become you, dear email sender, if I eventually turn into the kind of pretentious bozo that tells people to wait while I revert back to them.

Another possibility: answering.

Even if they reply back or respond back, they’re wasting your time; they could simply reply or respond, respectively.

Out of curiosity, when they revert back to you, do they reach out to do so?

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Revert is a common term used in Southeast Asia and appears in the directory as a synonym for Reply.

Maybe not preferred by you, but commonly used by a significant portion of the world’s population. English is a global language and evolves.

This logic is a slippery slope. But I did not expect any kind of deep analysis from you in the first place, so I can’t be disappointed in your reversion back to me.

Agreed, but I think the “back” being superfluous is the point.

It actually isn’t the point I wanted to make. Revert means to turn back into something else. So reverting to my email means your response becomes my email. Strange.