InfoWars’ Alex Jones Is a ‘Performance Artist,’ His Lawyer Says in Divorce Hearing

You’ve been anti-media since you were two?

(And you’re not using the term “pooper” correctly.)

That should be PA’s signature “anti-media since 1992… death to America cucks”

was thinking he would be more of the type to have “Bazinga!” in his sig, can also see him wearing that t shirt

InfoWars (meaning Alex Jones) is nonsense. But I guess this guy is now associated with them?? He’s smart, and highly entertaining!


this reminds me of someone LOLz

That seems like the sort of thing that that doctor wouldnt be allowed to disclose

Yeah, these news sources of yours Igor are pretty flimsy. “Narcissistic personality disorder” riiiiggght

Well, if you look at the link in the Jesus thread it has a Facebook tag at the end of the link. This is from the same website. Pretty easy to see what happened here.

I’ve said since day 1 that Igor is like your dumb uncle who just discovered social media and shares everything that comes across his feed.

now back to your BO gig champ.

you can try again when you have something to contribute

Jesus dude, calm down. Leave the blind rage to the professionals.

Related image

Many tanks.

it annoys the f*uk out of me when a pleb who doesnt contribute anything on here keeps running his mouth

Image result for tank you

I’m sorry, regurgitating other people’s research and photoshopped crying Michael Jordan heads is contributing?

Yeah, I dunno, seems like he posts a normal amount and I think he was just messing around. I’m not trying to require people to develop some weird posting habit to talk on here. On the other hand that logic would validate most of my egotistical rants, so maybe I should reconsider.

AF is fake news. No one contributes anything meaningful - except my pro-italian, women around the world should migrate to the US, rhetoric.

meaningful. there, it has been contributed.

Turd Fergusen is just taking a very long nap after being “woke” for so long.

you still selling suits at mens warehouse atush or did you move up to barista at coco loco?

Ok, so I hate being the voice of reason, but I’m starting to think maybe we should take a step back and remember this is a stupid online forum? Not sure why this thread is really setting everyone off.

That goes for myself too. I spend to much time here, I need a vacation.

no wonder youre still selling suits atush, with a temper like that its hard to move up