InfoWars’ Alex Jones Is a ‘Performance Artist,’ His Lawyer Says in Divorce Hearing

Posters here seem obsessed with this Alex Jones guy. What’s the deal?

another tough keyboard warrior

Lol this is entertaining.

Igor is a twat, im loving the smackdown by ltj

Im so happy twat isnt censored

lol another one crawls out. 'murica

Why so much Igor hate? Is this the Russian backlash?

i think we all know why. my boy jigga said it best

" Males shouldn’t be jealous; that’s a female trait "

Dood, this thread went bananas. :+1:

He was pushed by Turd, a poster who is suddenly absent

Turd really is AJ - amirite6?

I’m not a fan of the internet thing where everyone says “you’re a Putin/Soros troll”. BUT, alarms have always gone off about Turd’s posts. Occasionally he posted real stuff where he’s obviously not a bot, but others times suspicious behavior. He started that MEGA Trump thread during election, but now gone. Hmm.

Fwiw I like my dumb uncles who share crazy shit on Facebook. I didn’t mean to ignite so much rage. Cmon It’s Friday, let’s go bump a 6 year old topic and free CvM.

TF hasn’t gone anywhere. He’s just preparing.

:stuck_out_tongue:Alt-right is the new insane clown posse, bunch of early to late male adolescents who feel ostracized and want a place to belong with the same demographic

I went back and looked at some of Turd Furguson’s posts. Holy shit! Is he gone?

I wish I knew about this place before the election…

Af or the world am I right…

Until you convince us otherwise, you are assumed to be a dupe account.

TF is trying to get his zen thing going again. It’s kinda like how you feel when you got a dragon on your shirt, you know what I mean?

Hes getting his chakras in line, he went a little off the rails in a P.P. way, he will be back. Was interesting to read outside of politics

We’ll always remember him, against our will, by that farmer tan that is now etched into my eyes.

plz direct me to careers forumn sirs. tanks