Is anyone else having a breakdown??

The problem is that work is an absolute nightmare. So stressful. And then I’m not allowing myself to have my usual downtime because I feel guilty about it. I am still working out which has been my saving grace. I felt like I had it all together two days ago and now I feel like a shitshow.

I failed in band 10 last year - there’s no way I can do this again. So I’m adding a lot of extra pressure because I was so close last year and missed it.

economics equations making me crazy

Yup. I’m going nutty. Sleep very erratic, cold sweats, bad vividly bad dreams… and I’m reaching burn out, or have now burned out with the studying…

which ones?

I woke up thinking about business combinations and reciting the relevant accounting rules two nights ago.

This is far from the first time this has happened.

Noclassical crap

I was feeling good about the test until I starting doing my first mock yesterday and pretty much not being able to answer a damn question lol

Jealous. I wish I could remember all that, in my subconscious or not.

Just keep doing problems. You get acclimated to the process. I couldn’t recide half the formulas if asked; but given a question and data points, I know what to do.

Remember, we are asked to find an answer, not dictate a formula verbatum. Keep doing problems and re-doing the ones you got wrong and the process will get ingrained. When you come across a similar question, you will remember what to do.

I broke down last week with a Panic that the test was around tthe corner. Just plow through and keep going. Focus on your week areas and the heavily weighted topics.

This effing guy laugh

yeah, I should brush up on that

HA! AHAHA! HAHAHHAHAOIHWEO;FHEW;AOIJE;AJ;VN;WE;NE;OIAQHGE;OHG. they should package CFA registration with insurance for health, dental, mental, and vision. i feel like my health deteriorates in every way possible when i study for this forsaken exam.

Tongue in Cheek Question:

Could the CFA Institute be promoting us to violate the standards? In so far that candidates are essentially forced to study for 20+ hours a week while also working a F-T job?

There is no question that the hours/stress of this exam interferes with my ability to function @ 100% capacity in my current role…


Soing Curency exchange rate reading for the 5th time.Hopefully this time i get it angry

Look, July 1st is still over a month away so there’s plenty of time to review each topic carefully. I got so stressed that I’m taking a week off so that for my final 35 days or so I can really focus and work on the topics I’m struggling with.

Don’t worry, it’ll all be over soon.

^july 1st??? u must be taking a different exam

Hahaha I laughed so much with this, it describes my thought process this past month verbatim.

The CFA is demanding for my soul. Every little bit of it. I know longer recognize who this person I’ve become is. I’m just completely worn out and my chances of passing continues to look grim by the day.

Good God, i thought i was ok (doing good on eoc, elan quiz) until i did the mocks. When i first saw a mock where a vignette was 3 pages long, i nearly cried. By the time i got to the question i felt drained already, let alone remembering the formulas the question ask.

having mock scores that was only 29->45->60 and seeing many of u score above 75 really made me feel hopeless. I am just hoping only minority candidates log in to AF so the majority have false confidence and they then perform poorly on the exam

Good thread. I think at some point in level 2 everyone has a breakdown, I think it’s a very good thing to have it with 2-3 weeks left to go. After having our little hissy fit, that’s when we really start getting down to brass tax imo. Not to say that we all weren’t working hard before, but now is when you really start doing the things that are going to really matter on test day.