Is anyone else having a breakdown??

I seriously appreciate you’re sincere attempt to put a positive spin on this, but that said, there is NO reflecting on how far I’ve come to get here at this point…NONE! This needs to be the first and last time I do this.

Ok, yesterday was a real turning point in my state of mind.

Prior to taking the 2013 mock yesterday I was scoring in the 70s on Schweser and feeling pretty good. Yeah, sure, I could fail, but really I’ll probably be ok. I had booked the week off work before the exam and was toying with the idea of cutting back on days off since it’s all my remaining leave. Maybe only take 1-2 days instead of 5 so that I can have a little holiday after the exam with the family.

Then yesterday I took the 2013 mock, AM session only got 62% and have been told that it’s easy compared to PM. Got 33% on Eqt and like 55% on FRA. I am feeling f’in scared now and seems like there is no time left. This is also the first time where I’m starting to think that people may have been right when they said that Schweser wasn’t enough. I get the concepts with Schweser, but don’t have the in depth knowledge required to apply the concepts.

I also don’t think I can do L2 again. I’ve given it my all, been studying since like October. I’m sick of it, my wife is sick of it. I see people on this forum who are taking L2 for the 3rd or 4th time. WTF! Why do you keep coming for more of this? Is this some kind of sick hobby?

For what its worth, I have coworkers who scored mid 60s on the CFAI mock last year and passed the exam.

VickyCool, haven’t you been getting around the 70 mark for CFAI mocks though pretty consistently? You should be ok don’t you think? It’s not like you scoring low 60s…

Right now, I feel like band 9 is staring me straight in the face.

Clever relax…we are all in the same boat. Lets just buckle down for 12 more days and get this done.

I feel the same. Definitely not attempting L3 right away, not even sure I’d be willing to try L2 again should I fail. Have been regularly studying since beginning of September, increased the pace in January, and won’t be ever able to give up as much of my social life in the future again like I have. I reckon passing L2 makes you stand out in jobs, but at the expense of too many important things.

Also concerned that 1st takers are strongly competing with retakers, which might decrease chances of passing on first attempt. Can’t wait to be done and get back to a normal balanced more satisfying life. Fortunately coming soon - let’s hang in there!

Don’t get too bugged down with your mock result. It was desgined to do just what it did - i.e, test your core weakness. Now you have all the information you need on your weak subjects, you have also got extra days ahead - what are you going to do with it?

Few inches man - possibly 3-4 questions - seperating band 10 and a pass. You need to earn those points man. The best reward you can give yourself at this point, for all that hard work since October, is a positive morale and confidence.

i am sure i will hardly get 60 in cfa 2013 mock