Is the 2016 Level III AM paper out yet??

Is the 2016 Level III AM paper out yet??

it usually comes out in december…

If the tension and paranoia isn’t bad enough as is, releasing the paper with guideline answers before results would turn this place into Chernobyl.

Made me lol…

HAHAHA, This is a fact.

Many months later, is this out yet?

It’s out!


If you go to the Level III exam page, you can click “Log in for additional Level III essay exams and guidelines answers, plus feedback from graders.” and it takes me to page with 2016, 2015, and 2014 exams. It may be very cookie/status dependent as you have to log in to view it. I passed Level 3, but am not a charterholder yet.

This is the link where I see the PDFs, but someone else who also passed had trouble accessing it.

Thanks mate…unfortunately I get:

Reserved Access

Your account profile does not permit you to access the page you are trying to reach.

It’s ridiculous that Charterholders can’t gain access to the exam they took…

^L3 re-takers wish they shared that problem with you…


its there… but difficult to find on the website

I need to see this

wow…no Alt Inv on morning? i am in the middle that topic…

is that the exam you guys took from last year?

Yes, it was the June 2016 AM exam. I cannot even remember what I put down except for the first question.

Fine. Now I have 4. Should be enough. Otherwise older material might be completely out of date and out of exam scope.

Untrue. I think Arif has a breakout of what’s still relevant from past exams. I used all the way back through 2006. I’d estimate 85-90% was still relevant on every exam. Immensely useful, and far better than Schweser mocks.

(To clarify I’m not saying you must do this, three or four may indeed be plenty. Just letting you know older exams have many useful relevant questions.)

OK, then I will take back through '89.