Looking for ideas

Air Force also adds pushups and standing broad jump.

oh my freaking god!.. that’s insane. Consider me inspired

(I’m sorry I missed your photo when you had it up :slight_smile: )

In order to go to Force Recon in the Marines, you also had to do an 8-mile walk/jog/run in your camoflauge uniform (including your boots) while carrying a 40-lb rucksack. You had to complete it in two hours.

(Again, this isn’t meant to “test the limits of the superathlete” or anything. But rather, it’s just a test to see whether a person can make it through the training.)

Learn to do some hand balancing or set a goal to do a planche within a year? The Xterra tri is a good place to start.

I’ve been working off and on on running a sub 5 minute mile for awhile as a hobbie project. Basically I get close then get caught up in a remodel and have to start from scratch every 3 or 4 months.

deleted for context

Do you have to be an american citizen, or just a Barack Obama, Ted Cruz type?

10 sets of 10 for 225 on squats with 1 minute rest. Very good cardio workout. I throw that in about once a month.

Next time you guys want to test yourselves, why don’y you see if you are capable of beating little old me.

Here are some times to beat:

5k run 18:22

Full Ironman Triathlon 10hours 35 min

10mile run 1 hour 3 min

10k open water swim 2hours 59min

1 mile run 5:12

Now, those are the best of my perfomances over the past few years. I am not in top shape right now, but here are some track workouts and splits I can currently handle

16x400m 87sec each, 100m jog recoveries, in sets of 4

(400m in 87sec, 30sec break, 800m in 3min) x 4 with 200m walk/jog in between

(mehhh, for the record, I can only do like 1 pull up :slight_smile: )

endurance is the big hole in my fitness that i have been reluctant to rectify. i’ve done half marathons and Spartan Beasts, but that’s about the extent of it for endurance. just takes so much time to train and i feel like i’d lose my swole in the meantime. need to bite the bullet at some point.

Just FYI - “perfect” for women in the Marines is 21 minutes. (And you’re running .1 miles further in a 5k.)

i like the idea of a long trail/mountain ruck. i think i will shoot for a 1/2 marathon distance on a nice mountain trail with #40 ruck sack.

How long should that take, 4 - 5 hours?

Heavy squats goes out the window with long distance crap. Just stick to 400s and hills

try 10x20 with longer breaks, that’s brutal too.

TF - try wrestling, they will break your soul.

indeed, my buddies in high school were wrestlers and their workouts were notorious. i was too much of a string bean/pansy in high school to go for it.

Well, if I’m doing the Marines test I am going to use the men’s standards. Men’s standards or hacksaw…

Going back to the Marine days…

Standard SOP is 3 miles in 50 minutes, then you take a 10 minute break. So 13 miles should take you just over 4 hours.

I just realized that this belongs in the Department of Redundancy Department.

Why not ditch the pack and just run the thing? It depends on the trial. A lot of the trail races I ran were pretty grueling courses, a ton of vertical, stream crossings up to a waist deep, shale enbankments, ankle deep mud, etc etc. So the time involved would be pretty variable.

^probably my phobia for ‘endurance’. with a vest on I can justify a slower pace. i can do 10 miles in a vest at 4 mph no problem, but the same 10 miles without a vest at 7-8 mph sucks ass…because i don’t train endurance enough.

This sounds really promising. Misogi - who’s up for one?
