From the guy who knows fake news when he sees it:

Seriously: how can any rational, intelligent person vote for this idiot?

Biden’s town hall appears to have gotten higher ratings than Trump’s:

Is that the sound of Trump crowing . . . that I don’t hear?

cant help but love trump’s political ideology though. he basically does whatever benefits his constituents and ignores the opposing party’s need for help. he focuses on the swing states which is who will determine the presidency!

#MAGA. Too bad not everyone wants to make 'Merica great again!


DNC War Room (@DNCWarRoom) Tweeted:
Trump is falsely attacking Biden on China as a new bombshell report reveals Trump has a secret Chinese bank account and for a number of years paid more taxes to China than he did to the United States.

Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) Tweeted:
So while Trump has been screeching about Biden & his “shady Chinese business deals,” Trump has not only maintained a secret Chinese bank account, but he paid $188,561 in taxes in China from 2013 to 2015, while paying practically nothing in the United States.

Yes, I’d think that the president of the United States having control of an undisclosed bank account in China represents a serious risk to national security.

OMG. Great success glorious intelligence bureau Kazakhstan.


Sara Spector (@Miriam2626) Tweeted:
Trump is so pathetic I was able to stand on a street corner unannounced and pass out 100 Biden/Harris yard signs in very red Midland Texas in 30 minutes! #TrumpIsPathetic

The picture of masculinity.

Little clip taken after the farcical 60 Minutes interview that Trump walked out of. The press secretary - whose salary we pay - gave the reporter a big bound book of BS and claimed it was the health care plan. It is, of course, vaporware. Get these frauds out of the White House.

Ministry of Truth in full effect.

“The president’s federal income tax records, obtained by The New York Times, show for the first time that, since 2010, his lenders have forgiven about $287 million in debt that he failed to repay. The vast majority was related to the Chicago project.”

Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) Tweeted:
“Nobody has done more for the Black community than Donald Trump.” - Donald Trump
The New York Times (@nytimes) Tweeted:
The Justice Department effectively ended its civil-rights inquiry into the killing of Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old Black boy carrying a pellet gun who was shot by a Cleveland officer. Officials have not told his family that the officer will not be charged.

Obama: Trump is Obsessed with Crowd Size

lol burn.


MSN / Politico: Study links Trump rallies to more than 700 Covid deaths

Seriously. Who wants four more years of this crap?

I can think of exactly one person who does.

80% of the population of Midland County, Texas.