Trump derangement syndrome affects us all.

Huh. Maybe Cumulus Media is worried about liability?

Can you elaborate?
(directed at DoW)

Greenman: didn’t you just have a birthday?

Happy Birthday!

(No: this has nothing to do with the flow of this thread.)

Sure. Burning down a retail store is an idiot move for sure, but it does not threaten the flow of our democratic process. Say, like counting ballots to elect the President. These two events are not even remotely comparable. I realize you’re probably tuned into Fox News over there and they are filling your head with garbage such as “Antifa” were somehow masquerading as Trump supporters during that riot.

Yeah sure, that makes sense, Fox anchors. Let’s make Trump supporters the fall guys for a violent mob that halted the progress of certifying the guy that Antifa ostensibly prefers in office more so than Trump, and let’s do that in the waning last few days of Trump’s power when it really doesn’t matter that we hurt Trump. Makes no sense.

Another thing that makes no sense. “Antifa.” This is the most overinflated bogeyman to the right, like, ever. I don’t know one single person that identifies with Antifa or even knows anyone in it. I do, however, know tons of whack job Trump devotees and a few QAnon supporters that have completely given up on reality and the generally agreed-upon rules that I, at least, remember growing up with about how human beings would objectively figure out truth in this world through exploration, reason, and civil debate.

The things being disagreed on now, they are not simple policy disagreements for which “truth” is hard to agree on. We are talking about if you seriously believe that Hillary Clinton is running a child sex-trafficking ring out of the nonexistent basement of Comet Pizza in Brooklyn. And if you really believe that, well, I’m definitely putting you in the camp of people that are prone to fantasy and conspiracy theories, for whom rational discourse is no longer a viable option. Like the crazy uncle at dinner that watched a program that the moon landing was fake. Nobody takes him seriously because they all know that reason escapes him. He desperately wants the dramatic and mysterious reality that the moon landing conspiracy theory creates for him, somehow feeding him a dopamine hit. But it’s not real. We landed on the moon. There is nothing further there to discuss.

Happy Birthday Greenman!

on another note, I still find it hard to believe that Trump supporters would try to attack and kill Pence. Except that actually happened.

It isn’t that hard to believe if Pence is suddenly seen as a traitor for not doing Trump’s outlandish bidding.

Criminal complaint from the DOJ / FBI against Eric Munchel, one of the dudes who was in the Senate with flex-cuffs. Arrested in Nashville yesterday. Note the photo from paragraph 27 of the complaint, which is a shot of Munchel and his mother - coffee in hand - leaving the Grand Hyatt around 12:37 pm on Wednesday, January 6th. So, yes, the FBI has very, very, very good info on anyone who was staying in hotels in DC during that time, among lots of other fun facts.

@S2000 - Yes, I turned 41 yesterday. Thank you for the birthday wishes!

@DoW - I’m not sure what you’re talking about. I have never, not once, said that this was “Antifa” masquerading as Trump supporters. In fact, when I have heard that stupidity from people here in the “deep red”, I told them they were nuts. (And this was BEFORE our mayoral candidate came out and admitted she was part of the gang.)

I never said “Stop the Steal”, or “Trump really won”, or anything like that. Not on this thread, and not ever. In fact, if anything, I said the opposite. Even if the election was “stolen” (which I don’t believe it was), there is no evidence to support it. I also said that Trump challenged the election (which is his legal right) and lost. He lost in the four states in question, the Supreme Court, and the congressional certification. Even his own VP and Attorney General refused to support him.

I have never even remotely supported what happened on January 6. In fact, I told one of my co-workers that they should have drawn a line at the entrance to the Capitol. Anybody who crosses the line gets shot. (Obviously that didn’t happen.)

What I have done–push back against people (well, really only one) who deride anybody who voted Republican as a “racist” or “white supremacist”. I did say that the “Patriots”:Republicans :: rioters/looters:Democrats. That’s how we demonize people of the other party–we don’t acknowledge the 99% who are rational, civil people and believe that the 1% is representative of the whole. (Well, I’m a practicing Libertarian, so they’re all “them” to me.)

I agree with everything you’re saying–I just don’t know why you’re directing it at me. You should be directing it at T urd, wherever he may be.

Happy Birthday, Greenman72!!! :birthday: :gift: :beers:

I’ll also add this–some people are saying that the police treated the “Patriots” on January 6 differently from the rioters who burned down Autozone and looted Target.

If that’s true (and I suspect it probably is), then here’s why: Any deranged idiot who shows up at a Trump “Stop the Steal” rally and charges the Capitol is probably a gun-totin’, NRA-loving’, Charton Heston acolyte who is armed to the teeth and has probably been drinking Natural Light for most of the day. Attacking them head-on would have been stupid, because they would have opened fire right back (and they probably had superior firepower than the Capitol police). So the police did the smart thing–don’t aggress against them. The rioters in Kenosha were probably unarmed and not able to fight back with the same amount of force. (That’s my assumption, based purely on political affiliation.)

Not sticking up for the “Patriots”. Not an excuse or a justification. Just my reason for why I think the “Patriots” were treated differently. (Note the use of “Patriots” in quotations. I have a friend who is deep red, and that’s what she calls herself and all the others that were involved on Jan. 6. As you might expect, I don’t talk politics with her, because we p!ss each other off.)

A little read about Q and the Deep State.

I’ve never called you a racist.

I have however implied that you are an idiot, for parroting the same dumb talking points used by racists. For being on the side of racists, and for only saying you’re not with them when they go too far. That you haven’t been supporting the same dumb ■■■■ as they have.

Don’t get too carried away with this - you forget that both sides are evil.

I’m directing it at you because it’s convenient. And fun, since (at least in the limited AF sample) you represent the prototype for the oil-drillin’, gun-totin’, Texas Native-bragging, bible-thumpin’, chest-beating, deep-fried-food-eating, F150-driving stereotype that I love to poke fun at. Basically everything that Ted Cruz aspires to be if he wasn’t such a skin-shedding, sniveling, weasely, untrustworthy shell of a man. And also, because I thought that your earlier comments were trying to somehow rationalize the Capitol rioters’ actions. But you have now confirmed that you are not a gullible blank mental canvas willfully standing by to be sprayed with Repropaganda paint, given what you’ve just mentioned you believe and don’t believe.

^ I take deep offense to that stereotype. I don’t drive an F-150.

You more of a Chevy guy? Got a decal of Calvin taking a leak onto a Ford logo nestled between your Back Rack and gun rack?