Sweep: “Hi, I’m back, you guys miss me?”

You know how much I adore your attention.

But, no, just stopping by for the first time in about six months. Wanted to see if anything’s changed. Conflicting emotions knowing it hasn’t.

And, I was really hoping one of you autists were u/DeepFuckingValue. With my luck it’s probably Dwight or Zesty.

Anyway, hope you all are doing well.

you here for a good time or a long time?

Why not both?

You’ll be sad to know that the “would you tuck me” thread has died.

Did it get nuked? I have the power…

President Trump is dismissing the genocide against the Uighur population in China, dubbing the mass internment a “different norm” — despite the State Department this month responding to “atrocities” in the camps, following reports of systemic rape and torture.

Here we see what a degenerate and spineless leader Mr.Trump was. Hopefully Biden will finally stop China’s human rights abuses.

I agree, Comrade Codtrawler. Human rights abuses should be condoned severely!
Orange man bad! Orange man bad! Orange man bad! Trump was a Devil for not condoning such actions. As we have seen, our New Leader Biden does it:

hahaha just kidding, it’s a cultural thing!!! Just like Nazis!

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Not to hijack the thread, but has anyone seen the NBA’s response to the state department declaring China a genocidal state? I mean, LeBron was all up in a rush to defend China when it was in his financial interest to do so. But has anybody (anybody at all) in the NBA came out and addressed this?

As far was I know, no official from NBA has done it.
I was listening to a podcast around new years (2021) and there they were questioning the integrity of NBA and the walking the walk and talking the talk.
As Nassim Taleb argues, unless you put your money where your mouth is, your words/actions are worthless.

Me wonders, where the woke crowds at? No woke no more? Chinese life less worth than drug addict George Floyd?
It’s easy being woke when all you need to do is to repeat “Orange man bad”

maga bois are back!!

limbaugh must be taking the weekend off

Sounds like you listen to Clay Travis. May he ever reign as the heir apparent to Mike and Mike. (Actually, far better, IMHO. He’s like the Tony Romo of sports talk radio.)

That’s a pretty good point. I haven’t followed US domestic politics at all so don’t know what this NBA talk is all about. But I must say is that the complete silence from the east coast woke crowd regarding Biden’s lack of criticism towards China is sligtly embarrasing. This just my 2 cents from the old country.

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Actually it was from The New Yorker.
And it was an article, not a podcast. I remembered it incorrectly since I listened it.

Sorry daddy Trump isn’t president any more – at least now you can criticize instead of licking boots.

Daddy Trump? Nice.
Licking boots? Calling Trump a ■■■■■■■ moron is definitely that.
Give ya head a shake.

China is winning. Whatever they are doing they should just keep doing it. The problem with the us is the pervasive belief that their belief is superior because it holds on to some moral high ground. How a government deals with its people is their right. If the people don’t like it then they can rebel. And they aren’t because the majority of China are doing well. Imo all China is doing is bringing uniformity to a minority group to make everyone closer. History is judged by the winners and the us has been in relative decline for the last 80 years so perhaps we should save our opinions for ourselves or another third world country like Syria.

I don’t really know what to say. Your naïveté is quite astonishing.

all im saying is some people would prefer stability over human rights.

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