Mayweather v. Pacquiao

Fight was a total snooze. If I paid thousands of $$$ to watch it, I’d be pissed.

The whole fight was Mayweather running away and sneaking in some light hits here and there. Pacquiao never got aggressive in attacking and just chased Mayweather whereever he ran. its like they got together and agreed to take it easy and just collect their paychecks which were already determined win or lose.

Boring as sht

I was thinking the same thing. When they tied up, and mayweather would speak sweet little nothings into pac’s ear and be pulled away from the ref smiling, all i could think is a dialog like this:

Money May "Hey pac, pac! what are you going to do with all your money man?

Pac “Im going to buy the philippines and make myself king. What will you do?”

Money May "I think ill purchase an annuity and use the proceeds to throw into the faces of the millions of strippers i plan to visit. Hey, let’s grab a drink after this, my jet or yours?

Ref "Hey now gentlemen, did i hear strippers? who is going to buy this old man a lap dance? Ok, now break it up and continue to follow the routine we practiced for dancing for the stars

well, looks like it’s going to be beans on toast for me for the next couple of months. Thankfully I was horrendously drunk by the time the fight was on.

Somebody really ought to tell Mayweather that he’s supposed to punch his boxing opponents and hug his wife…

most popular memes on the fight. xoxo