Moderators, why you no moderate?

^ igor’s comment about breast exam was in very poor taste. Going by the screen name, the OP is a woman.

Yes, I didn’t particularly like the breast exam comment, though it didn’t use vulgar language or imagery, and wasn’t specifically directed at the poster. I did like how she came back and said it was not funny and think that’s a good precedent.

Since it’s outside of WC, where we run tighter policies, I did eventually decide to remove it for propriety’s sake, and little is lost because of it.

Oh shit!!

I didn’t notice the fact that the OP may have been a girl.

If i believe the hypothesis that the OP was a girl then igor’s comment was very “offensive”.

Indian girls don’t like such comments on their body parts.Although i would like to believe that igor’s comment was in good humor but still it leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

i give up