My job

We really don’t get enough e-threats of violence on this forum. This is a nice change of pace.

Why would I? lol It’s Robert who will lay the smackdown and Rock Bottom the guy who quit his job for being careless.

asalman07 took a huge risk. I hope it will pay off. Either way it will be a good learning experience in the long run.

Just another case of “Hoping the CFA designation will get me a great job and millions of dollars!”. The Wall Street movies have really twisted the minds of undergrads and grad students everywhere. Why can’t people see the CFA for its educational value and leave it at that. More money has only brought more misery to a lot of my industry colleagues. Most of my team I work with make 200K per year, bachelors degree, and seem pretty content.

I will agree with you that movies have twisted the minds of undergrads and grads. But they’ve also twisted the minds of people who make $200k per year, and act like they’re close to the poverty line.

I’m glad you are content with your measly $200,000 per year. I mean, we wouldn’t want you to make more money and be miserable.

treat us to some dimsum

Hmm. Can’t believe I missed this weird thread. But seriously, OP, what is your plan here? Based on your actions, your job must have made you very unhappy. Hopefully something new will turn up soon. I’m going to assume that CFA was only a small part of the issue, because quitting your job over CFA would just be insane.

The point I was trying to make is money isn’t everything and seems like most taking the CFA are misguided by this. Try and just lead a happy life. I am pretty fortunate to have the job I have and my lifestyle is not poverty but I don’t own a spread in Greenwich either (for the record I don’t care to). Too often I hear people on here, “I plan to take level I in DEC 13 and then level II June 14 and CAIA in march 14, etc., etc.,” and then their final question is “What kind of job will I get???”. Don’t let your career be guided by the CFA exams, more and more I see it as something nice to have but not a necessity.

Hi I’m new to this forum. Just wondering why everyone is making such a big deal about someone who wants to quit his job over CFA. It’s his life right?

Because the OP is always wrong. In every thread. Always.

^ That got me thinking. We should have a ratio of original posts/reply posts for every poster. We can discern a trend that way.

You got it my little friend, you got it!

Would you go so far as to say OP is a ph@ggot:,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.43287494,d.eWU&fp=6d4057d7ccfed56a&biw=1280&bih=709


I wouldn’t quit… I’d just prioritize L3 a little higher than your job compared to the past… if they fire you, then they make the decision for you. If not, well, then good for you.

Please don’t quit, you have a family for gods sake. If you have other sources of income, why not use what seems like “extra” income and build a portfolio using your CFA knowledge. The knowledge is pretty much worthless if you can’t apply it somewhere, hence why you won’t get a job just because you have the charter.

Also, please continue the fight with the level 1 candidate. Thanks.