Dsylexic Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > agree^@FSA being tricky in the AM.What was the > answer the relative age > (depreciation) question and also the answer to > the question about asset value being zero at the end of the asset life for ___ > method of depcn

I can’t even remember any such qt… Can you guys give more details?

Good on you Delhirocks, make us brown folks proud. :slight_smile: I’ll be writing in june. I’ve been on the board rather sparsely, making useless comments here and there but once I really get into my studies I’ll definitely be around more often. What study material did you use? schweser/stalla? I just forked over 1300 buckaroos for stalla because I wanted the convenience of having online access and being able to read all the material online (I’m not much of a book person) as well as many comments about stalla being more in depth in explaining concepts etc. I also heard peter olinto was great with the lectures, so I’m looking forward to that.