New AF Board Member: Nominations Open to Saturday 19 Oct 2013

A couple things…

I dont even get honorary mention for starting the most legen- (wait for it… ) dairy thread in AF history? That thread was probably forwarded around enough by lurkers to quintiple traffic and really grease Chad’s pocket… I prolly put his first born through college already…

But on a serious note, B.G.A.Chad does an awesome job and deserves thanks. I’d never want to try to moderate the peeps here. Totally worthless job (unless you’re into “giving back”, but even then, its hardly that).

FTR, I nominate Ivan Drago

Bungie, GTA, STL hits all the console games

I nominate CFAvMBA

I agree that itera would be another fine choice.


Systematic or Itera.

Although, both of you WANT to be mods…so maybe not so much. I still think S2000 would be the best. I have seen forums where the most knowledgable members and best contributors are the mods and they do a great job.

I will only accept if Higgy comes as a packaged deal. Then we can have free flowing moderated discussions about conservative politics, prudent fiscal policy, and current government conspiracys.

My acceptance is contingent on that.

I also nominate mygos.

^ Sorry my friend, you’re out of luck then. AF is a fun outlet for me and I don’t want to ruin it by adding adult responsibilities.

It might be good to get someone that’s active in the CFA forums. WC, despite our lack of tasteful topics, doesn’t really require much in terms of moderation. The CFA boards are the ones that need to work properly for the ongoing concerns of AF.

bchad, my recommendation would be to appoint 2 moderators that aren’t on the board and take a step back from moderating yourself. you seem (understanably) slightly jaded about it all after modetating on your own for however long.

probably best to get 2 people that are actively involved but don’t post too much. its also important to diversify the board/moderators and to take the opportunity to review AF policies.

regardless of the above, I nominate krnyc2008

Chad needs a moderator to keep the CFAI PCP off his back. Coupla brown folks got pinched for this a few years back.

Candidates increasingly use online forums and new technology as part of their exam preparations. CFA Institute actively polices blogs, forums, and related social networking groups for information considered confidential. The organization works with both individual candidates and the sponsors of online or offline services to promptly remove any and all violations. As noted in the discussion of Standard I(A)–Knowledge of the Law, candidates, members, and the public are encouraged to report suspected violations to CFA Institute

Example 5 (Sharing Exam Content): Level I candidate Etienne Gagne has been a frequent visitor to an internet forum designed specifically for CFA Program candidates. The week after completing the Level I examination, Gagne and several others begin a discussion thread on the forum about the most challenging questions and attempt to determine the correct answers.

Comment: Gagne has violated Standard VII(A) by providing and soliciting confidential exam information, which compromises the integrity of the exam process and violates the Candidate Pledge. In trying to determine correct answers to specific questions, the group’s discussion included question-specific details considered to be confidential to the CFA Program. CFA Institute works with candidates and the sponsors of such online discussion boards and forums to remove information of this specific nature from these websites.


mygos? the person who writes novels with each post?

I’ve been considering this. But it also may be jadedness about basically doing it on my own for a few months without much help since B/S left. I may stay on the policy side of things but step back from day-to-day moderating. It remains to be determined, though, and it’s clear that creatign a board that is more than just me and chad is the first step in that process.

The investments board has picked up a bit, which makes me happy.

I’m not even sure how the moderating works at AF. Are there only a couple of Boardmembers or are there also some individual mods for certain forums (like Level 1 has its own mod, investments has its own mod, but then bchad looks at everything)?

should waiver the no of post required and get in mygos.

he has serious insights on some stuff

I think right now, bchad does all the moderating, and the “board” is just him and Chad. It is noteworthy that bchad has not yet developed intense hatred for humanity given this situation.

That seems like a bit too much for one person.

It used to be that the board consisted of Chad, BS, JDV, and me. JDV disappeared off into the winds. BS resigned, Chad appears now and then, but is fairly busy with other projects, and then I felt rather overloaded.

Boardmembers do have moderating powers (i.e. editing and deleting stuff). We are supposed to be able to move things around from forum to forum to keep things tidy, but during some site design, that accidentally got turned off (we’re fixing that). To ban someone usually requires a consensus that other options aren’t going to improve the situation, so there is a discussion and then Chad pulls the trigger if there is a kill consensus.

When we’ve have those discussions, in the past, we usually find an alternative to banning that works, and the board has been useful for that (and as much as people like to complain about me being all liberal and PC and stuff - most often the I’m one who advocates doing something other than banning)

So far, the only bannings since the board was created have been for uninvited advertisers, and in these cases it’s a pretty cut-and-dry decision. I think it’s a testament to the effectiveness of the board that since it was created, there have been no bannings of ordinary posters, and most people have responded to requests to change their tone when needed.

Board and Moderating

When the board was first created about two years ago, it seemed that it wasn’t necessary to have separate moderators, so board members did that.

However, I don’t go tot the Level I, II, III forums very much anymore, or the CAIA or FRM ones, so probably we should get some moderators who would be willing to take some responsibility for some sections, and that would be separate from board activities, mostly because one doesn’t want the board to get gigantic and unwieldy, but we want enough moderators to be effective.

The board would supervise and provide guidance and back those moderators up if necessary and appropriate, or quietly ask them to change their style if that is what’s needed.

I haven’t run these ideas past Chad, who as site owner has the final say on these kinds of things, but it’s what’s been going through my mind.