
Yours truly.

So far.

RE: “just slayed the level 2 beast… would welcome any tips from L3 takers this year on how to tackle L3.”

Best advice I can give is sign up for Mark Lefebvre’s L3 boot camp at Crieghton in May. He’ll get you in great shape.

(and, no, I am not Mark)

At level 2 I gave the same advice about John Harris’ course and anyone of you L2 people who took Harris are here, in some part, because you took Harris. Same advice applies for Lefebvre – especially as you need his specialized approach for managing the time crunch that is the AM session.

happy to be joining this board. See you in sept/oct.

I’m not a big poster, But i have to chip in… I will pray to good that douche "“The Righteous” to fail.

FInal hurdle before we get the 3 letters