No more MM mocks

And I once worked for a . . . um . . . gentleman who had a PhD in physics who didn’t understand the implications of a simple, linear equation. In one variable.

Some PhDs are idiots.

Doesn’t surprise me, I’ve seen similar examples. Qualifications knowledge is usually soon to fade away, we must continuously work on our skills and abilities and not just depend on a few letters after our name that make us look smart.

I always took what people perceive to be Marks ego as just a no nonsense kinda thing magnified by his tonedeaf straightforwardness.

You’d see a ton of candidates in the comments under his videos that would ask questions that could have been found if they spent an extra five seconds referring to the reading or without detailing what parts were confusing and why, and expect him to just re explain what was in the video and he is not afraid to clap back at them for the perceived laziness. Not sure if I would call that ego but I get why people dont find him the most friendly. He clearly puts a lot of work into his videos and it probably annoys him when the candidates don’t put proportional amount of work into their questions.

Mark, is that you?

Word… Couldn’t agree more!

no just a Stan.

If you define “falling out” as one party suing another…


I didn’t know that you could research that online.

As you might expect, it’s not a pretty picture.

That site is charging $49 to view the documents. Is it worth it, Bill? Should I pay?

Aw geez… :frowning_face: :broken_heart:

I wouldn’t.

I remember several months ago, MM made a post on linkedin. I dont follow him or anything but I was browsing around. MM asked for an attorney recommendation in India to pursue a copyright issue. He said he was after blood and wanted a ruthless attorney. (something in those lines, just from recall)

Hope he’s not after your blood!

You could have a free trial! But I am not interested to know anyway lol

What made you look up the possibility of them having a legal dispute!

Just duke it out. Or have a finance-duel on CFA material.

That was exactly my question! Do you research legal disputes for fun and happened to land on this one?!

Sorry to hear that, wish you best of luck!!

google mark meldrum phd, it shows the lawsuit at the bottom of the page for me

For what it’s worth, I used the MM mocks for level 2. Most questions were written by Bill Campbell III. A lot of good questions, but also frustrating errata was required.

In one of his videos, MM said that he had found some copyright violators, looked them up on LinkedIn and was going to inform their employers so that the violators lose their jobs.