28 to be exact

I passed it as well. The exam was very difficult but I did a great job so that I passed it!


Sure- I really don’t care of passing it or not!

IcebreakerH: What you see under Candidate My CFA tab: Location fee,etc or Study, Result, practice??

Come on, guys, I think we already reached a concensus: Location, Fee or SRP means nothing. I know everybody still has a doubt. The best way to solve the issue: either call the Institute or wait another 35 hours

35??? 27.5!

I can really see my result under this tab!

Last year when I couldn’t pass the exam, I stopped following the AF.

I guess if I disappear from the form, it is a sign that I didn’t pass. I pray everyday that it doesn’t happen.

You wont have to stop following AF L-O-W! Good luck guys…

27.5 hours, please dont make it 35 hours :(((

Even though i kinda know my result, im spending too much time on AF and CFAI website at work!

Under the tab “Candidate Resources” and then under the Related Information and 2013 June Candidates I can access my results and download them. It can’t be true or I am day-dreaming? How is your screen guys?

You are lucky guy! I’ve never did more than 60 % on the mock exams for Level 1 and 2 and I still have passed these levels! I doubt that now, with Level 3, it will not be the same as I made less than 55% on the mocks.

Yeah … “Right” …

Less and less time is left until the official reasults will be realised. Good luck to all you, and special congratulations to those of you who succeed in passing this year Level 3 exam. To those of you you didn’t as myself, we’ll see each other in the test halls next year. I plan to be drunk nomatter what the results will be!

I believe you’re already drunk

We are now 24 hours away from the day. I just hope that the graders could read my hand writing. If not, I am as good as failed. God, please save me. I dont want to do this again!

I reckon you have seen your result before the official release.

I wish I had but, unfortunayelly, I have not seen them.I am just jocking so that to try to kill the preasure that will be increasing gradually during the next few hours left!

i take it results start coming out around 9:30 est?