Paper Charter Arrived!!!


can I ask you a little help please ? I have included two sponsors (the latter confirmed my experience on the 13 Sept) and the Institute still shows the reference piece as “in progress”. Is it normal? How long does it usually take?


It’s yuge.

What is this blue book you speak of?

Haven’t seen a blue book and I received the paper charter weeks ago. My boss bought me a frame that should be here today and I think we might hang it in the conference room so I can impress wholesalers and clients.

Africa always the last to receive the damn thing. Dear Diary,

Im in the UK and still haven’t received my charter also…anyone else from the Uk here who have received it?

Has anyone in Nigeria gotten his/or paper charter? Am yet to receive mine.

I’m based in Nigeria and I received my paper charter 3 weeks ago. The blue book came earlier. Yours should arrive any moment from now.

^ This

I recently completed an MS degree in August. I received both the CFA charter and MS diploma within the same week and the charter completely makes the diploma look small as shit.

Seriously - wtf is going on with my Charter…still haven’t received it!

Anyone else in the UK still waiting for theirs?


Congrats on your MS. I’m getting my MS in Finance in May. Although I’d be remiss if I neglected to mention my wife got it framed. Framing is really expensive.

Hey man,

Although I didn’t find a lot of value in the paper charter (I think the real value is the signal it sends once those letters are behind your name), I can understand that you do. May I recommend you send a quick email to the Institute? I had to email them once; they are really responsive. Beats asking AF and if there’s a problem (wrong address, etc.) they’d be better able to correct.

Here’s the contact page, I think you’ll get an answer back quite quickly.

It’s not so much that I place much weight on the actual paper charter…in fact I hadn’t thought about it for a while and when I remembered it hadn’t arrived yet, I just thought wtf.

I emailed the CFAI who suggested I send through a request for a replacement charter that will take another 8 weeks to arrive. No biggie really, just wondered why it hadn’t arrived.

Eventually I’ll get it, no doubt :wink: