Post-Exam Thoughts?

Well… what did everyone think? Harder than expected? Easier than expected? As expected?

I personally found the AM section to be TOUGH.

PM section wasn’t too terrible.


Brutal. AM was brutal.


Agreed! I was definitely feeling rather dejected heading into lunch. Lol

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AM was mad…was just vexed all through…short of time too


AM was tough in the time management sense moreso than the question difficulty in my opinion. I feel like I could have answered all the questions thoroughly and correctly if I had a few more hours! As it is, it felt like I was rushing for 3 hours without much time to actually think of an answer.

PM felt pretty good though - I can’t tell if that’s in absolute terms or just relative to the morning session. There were a few stumpers but not bad.


I need hand therapy now


AM was bad. PM was worse than I thought. A lot of stuff that I thought they would never test me on.

Just curious, everyone posting here. What’s your standard of PM being “ok, not too terrible, or good?” is it like getting 90% right, or more like 60-80% right?

AM was brutal. None of the past/mocks exams prepared me for the time constraint. In fact, I regularly completed mocks with time to spare. Glad I kept with the strategy of skipping questions I didn’t know instantly as felt a lot more easy marks were at the back of the paper. Left a fair few empty boxes though which is never great. The AM section was by far the toughest section I’ve faced through all levels, by a considerable margin.

PM was a lot easier. Probably due to the format. However there were a number of questions in which I struggled to choose between two answers and would still be there now trying to pick if there was no time limit.

A little disheartened in all honestly. Completed around 10 am mocks, the whole library of cfa online questions (x2) and took annual leave for 2 weeks to study. However given the candidate quality of level 3, do believe I will sitting again in May as I don’t think I did enough in PM to compensate the train wreck of AM.

Regardless, its over and not having to study is remarkably refreshing. Now to catch up on 2 weeks worth of work. The joy.


I believe it is a violation to be asking specific questions about the exam. Especially that CFAI decided to no longer release the AM portion. I suggest you delete your response to avoid problems. You never know.

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Brutal!!! I actually thought AM was a lot easier than PM. I was able to complete all sections and left only one blank as I couldn’t be bothered to spend so much time trying to figure it out at the expense of easier questions. PM was okkkk I guess - although quite a few questions left me guessing. I was stuck between 2 options for a lot of questions. I finished an hour early for PM and 15 minutes early for AM though but I still don’t think that’s a good sign in any way. I’m just glad this exam is done and over with.
Thinking about it, there’s nothing I could have done differently so it is what it is.


lol how did you find it brutal if you finished that early in both sessions! It is especially impressive in the AM session to be able to finish 15 mins early with all the writing you have to do, Idk how you did it!

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What’s the standard/rumored MPS for level 3?

Do you guys think the MPS this year might be a little lower given the candidate pool might be a little different this year, with cities like NY and LA out of the equation?

I live in NY but took the test in CT. There were 2-3 more candidates who travelled out of state to take the test. I’m surprised there weren’t more.


Same as majority. Tough AM and relatively better PM. Few areas where guesswork was necessary

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AM was pretty long…left atleast 3 sets blank…with the rest too i was not sure what i wrote…PM too no straight forward questions…honestly no mock/practice questions prepared you for what was on the exam :frowning:


Unexpected tbh…
Let’s hope for a 2006 passing rate to get it over with

@Alhameliam What happened in 2006?

EDIT: Nevermind, found it: the 2006 anomaly - pass rate was 76%

@Maikhan I saw that the MPS hovers around 60% for level 3.

@TurtleTomlin This tracks pretty closely with my experience. I think they grade the am session on a curve (they’ve got to, right?). Trying to remain cautiously optimistic since I thought I’d failed levels 1 and 2 but wound up doing ok.

@ricardoka when I say the PM session wasn’t too bad, I feel like I can say with a degree of confidence that I scored somewhere between 75%-90% depending on how things landed with the 5-6 questions that felt like they could go either way between 2 answers.


I ask again… anyone know the rumored MPS for L3?

Like everyone else, I thought that the AM was tough and didn’t have enough time. For the PM, I thought it was relatively easy compared to the practice problems and mock exams. I have the opinion that the multiple choice when I took L2 was much more difficult than L3 PM.

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It is usually around 60. Might be slightly lower this time.


I really hope so! :sweat_smile:

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