Pretty sure the 2 boxes vs. 1 box was a tell

i also don’t understand the rampant discussion on this. a tell 12 hrs before the result doesn’t seem earth-shattering or significant. i haven’t even checked this scholarship thing, no idea where it is, nor care. i failed, but next year i’ll still wait for the actual result rather than logging in to find out how many boxes i have 12 hr’s before *shrug*

You’ve used that one before but any quote from Hot Shots is a good quote. I’m not joking. If I were joking I’d say: what do you do with an elephant with 3 balls?

I’m sorry you failed. Is it possible your anger at the result is bleeding over in this? If you had the ability to legally find out what you made without breaking any rules, that makes you a very perceptive person. Matter of fact, this is key Mosiac Theory. I’m proud of the fact we found this and I bet hedge funds would be impressed by this. Whether 12 hours or 10 minutes, knowing before the fact was cool.

Good luck next year my friend!

I agree. The tell just made sense and also made it easier to digest failure. I got up this morning fairly certain of failure because the box theory just made way too much sense. If I’d just gotten the email with no forewarning of by crappy performance, I’d have been floored.

+1 for both comments…inquisitive minds uncover minutia that others don’t…that’s what making money in the markets is all about!

No it seems just a genuine difference in opinion. Don’t need to look deeper into it and question my reaction/dealings with failure, which I think is completely uncalled for/lacking any kind of respect, but I’ve had a previous run-in with you so not shocking. I’m glad you’re proud, I just legitimately don’t see the relevance in this particular situation. In pursuit of alpha or something that has value I would agree, but I’m not seeing much value (truthfully, next to none) with finding out pass or fail 12 hrs earlier than everyone else.

I got boxer 1 and failed too. That was real tell. I had a feeling already but wasn’t sure

Can confirm.

Failed as a 1-boxer…

So I guess we could use this thoery going forward next year?!


What’s worse than me failing on this exam is that you actually believe hedge funds would be impressed by this…

Wait, you keep track of “run-ins” on a chatroom? To each his own, I guess.

Re: the value comment: All information has value, even if it’s non-monetary. There were a lot of people that found value in finding out and even more from the collaborative process.

Re: your thought my comment was rude and uncalled for, please understand I don’t particularly care what you think about my actions. My goal in life is not to make you happy. I reached out with genuine concern, as I know what’s in my heart, as for your feelings, I don’t particularly give a damn.

More broadly, that’s why you probably have so many “run-ins.” There’s a theme in this post that others should feel the same way you do or you become dismissive. That’s fine if that’s how you feel in life, just don’t expect for many people to buy in to that line of thinking.

Finding a rare gem of information? I think they would. I’d say I’d consider failing the test much worse, but each his own, I guess? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I’d say it’s nearly impossible to make behind the scene changes for a group of people and keep the user interface the same. This has been my thought from the beginning. Obvs. I could be wrong here.

Do me a favour go interview at a hedge fund and tell them this to see if they’re impressed. I’d be surprised if u didn’t get laughed out of the room. I mean that’s if you can get an interview at a hedge fund to begin with…

Ok. Thanks bro. Do you need my study notes for next year?

I remembered b/c it was the ONLY run in I’ve had on this forum. You are a completely, condescending, self-absorbed twat, and your two posts in this thread confirm such - I wasn’t even talking to you but you got tremendously butthurt. Nothing really more to discuss. Enjoy this miraculous discovery though that ones with lives would never even contemplate searching for!

No man, everything in life has value!! I’m going to spend the next week trying to find a blade of grass with 4 different shades of green, 3 of yellow, and 2 of red. Once I do, I will present my findings to every buy-side firm in Toronto for this is value in it’s purest form!

Only run-in? Are you sure about that?

Are you really sure?

Really really sure?

Given how much dumb shiet you’ve said on this board to date makes me really question the value you’ll provide to people with your CFA. But hey, glad you passed so you can tell all the hedge funds about your two box theory