Questions left blank...

if you go over the same paper multiple times, it is a overkill. You will become too familiar with same set of questions. Probably a totally different kind of questions in 2017 paper made you feel it was much more difficult.

Some of those are “evergreen” questions. Guess what I mean.

10 times (approximate) between 2 years including some flipping through type reviews… point is some questions do come up as a pattern …

every year (2016-2005) has a question about ability to take risk for example… also some calculations come up in alternating years…

when youbreak down the past AM exams… it’s always about 40 questions (1a/1b/2a) etc… obviously some are worth more points than others but that doesn’t necessarily mean the higher point questions are harder… depending on your topic strenghts… between 2016 and past 10 year exam… about 50% of questions are “repeats” and I won’t comment on this year

With that said… 2017 was different

Of course is value added if you did 10 various past AM papers few times. What should you take instead, practice through 1961 AM? It would be better value added then?

IMO, I screwed only official EOC. My results at EOC were 70% overall but skewed. I left on 50 % on some topics and with some other were 90%. I thought it would be smoothed by practicing on Mocks and AM papers but didn’t. It seems official EOCs are crucial for AM part.

I ran short of time and left 30 mins in the AM blank. PM went well, but need to wait for the result. I dont know, what would be the MPS?

Didn’t leave any blank but left two subsections of a question incomplete since i got stuck…and…and 1 subsection i know I answered incorrectly…in the AM. For PM i know I answered two questions incorrectly.

I felt uncomfortable with 12 questions in the PM and felt relatively OK with the morning. I actually thought the afternoon was quite challenging.

Do you guys still think I have a reasonable chance of passing with 12 questions potentially incorrect?


if PM questions are 3-4 minutes on average each (are they?), then 36/48 minutes lost,. if you achieve 75% of AM, that makes it 135 (AM) + 144 or 132 (PM) - this is still 279.or 267… from the posts 240 /360 might seem good enough. So, you might be ok…it all depends on how well you feel about the morning…

Agree – AM was relatively okay, PM was more challenging for me. For PM, I had no clue for 7 questions – basically, picking a random letter. Then for another 15 I didn’t really know the answer, but could tackle it a bit – eliminate a choice, or had a decent guess based on something I recalled.

The rough math I’ve used is that I’ll get 75% of the Q’s I was confident in, 50% of the guesses, and 33% of the “no clue”. So, for you, that might be 72%, overall – a great place to be if your AM is over 55. Not sure how accurate my rule of thumb is, but it seems both punitive and generious to me, depending on how I look at it, so that probably indicates it’s not too bad.