raw deal?


So finger banging 150 teenagers in front of their parents is punishable by jail now. Who would have thought, amiright?

That’s pretty tough to listen to. Those gymnasts are americas sweethearts.

he said the fbi cleared him years ago right

In front of their parents? They were alone with him. Most of them were on the Karoyli (sp?) ranch where, literally, their parents weren’t allowed to be. This Larry guy is probably the worst offender since that British DJ dude.

lol the letter he wrote the judge complaining that this was so unfair & he was a good doctor & this is all fabricated and sensationalized is a perfect summation of whats going on in america today. facts arent a thing, just tell everyone you are the victim & there are masses conspirators out to get you. Im sure the “hitler did nothing wrong” crowd will defend him still

You mean this story from today?


pa whats up wth the man hate lately?

lmao STL is that a legit picture? she got like an arrow through her nose that looks pretty funny

^Dude, it’s TMZ. Of course it’s legit. That’s where I get, like, 57% of my news.

Get a rope and hang that mf’er!!!

Judge was super vindictive. This is what all the “anti-bigots” (bigots) want, someone they can be bigoted against. Then they get to virtue signal and be bigoted. A “liberal’s” (nazi’s) wet dream.

I’m not sure if I’m comfortable with what that judge did. I’m currently leaning against it.

Just look at her, that judge is one hell of a creepy man-hater bigot. And that’s no trial, that’s a witch hunt, fueled by the corporate media. Same as “bla bla Russia”, and “white supremacists”, and “misogynists”, and “me too”, and all of America’s hateful crap.

Dude should have listened to me, and got out while he could!

You think it would have been best if one of the most prolific child molesters in history escaped law enforcement?

the dude is obviously guilty, but clearly the judge is showing bias, if that is the case she should recuse her self.

whats incredibly fun is how in some threads PA talks about how enemies of the state should be jailed and people rocking the boat should be jailed (or even killed i believe ive heard him say) - then in other threads he posts about how unfair and mean the judge was to a guy who was already guilty by a jury of his peers. youd think hed want a pedo just killed on the spot

its fun watching pa try to squeeze into whatever shape the story requires to not force him to think about an issue as non-binary

And the idea of a woman judge in this case is ridiculous, especially given the twisted women vs men environment in America. But that was intentional I’m sure, get the cameras in close and film an angry chick hating men, the crowd cheers!!!

My analysis is consistent. It’s amazing to me that Americans don’t see the pattern. Oh, and America is binary-land, that is why my analysis of binary-land appears binary. :bulb: :open_mouth: :bulb:

by that stunning logic a black male should never have to face a white judge (now or in the previous 200 years) no? brilliance in action friends - PA is what we in “the biz” call a regular Einstein.