Recognition at work for passing?

I never thought I’d get anything for passing but the response at work has been overwhelming this week with congratulations coming from all over the business. Passing L3 seems to carry a lot more weight as you have overcome the last hurdle. Today the head of our division said he’ll pay for me to go out for dinner/drinks up to $300 which was totally unexpected. I know set bonuses for passing levels are pretty rare, but did anyone else get perks like this?

Really…that kills me…

None at all for me here…

Instant salary boost here for passing. Several thousand bucks

^ + 1 haha

yes yes

I don’t know since I did not tell anyone yet. I’ll wait until I can use the designation, to avoid explaining that I’m not really a charter holder yet but need to wait few weeks for the e-mail etc.

nothing for me, but my boss’ boss (who has the CFA) responded to my email with “Congratulations!” Now I’m trying to get reimbursement for the annual CFAI dues. That should be about it. Woo hoo!

+1, I passed, got called into my manager’s office and was given a letter that had my new base and bonus structure.

The next day, they brought in bagels, donuts, coffee and juice as celebratory breakfast.

A lot of people are congratulating me. There are about 140 CFA charterholders in the province and I am the only one who has progressed this far in the CFA program that works for my current employer in this role in the province - and my employer is one of the Canadian Chartered Banks. There are about 100-120 people in my role doing commercial lending & credit analysis in the province. With a few years of job experience already under my belt and an MBA, there must be some sort of job security for me now. At least more than before I passed all 3 levels. As for pay raise, I guess it could be discussed… or if I feel I need more salary there are other opportunites to consider, as always.

they sent an email out to everyone at the firm…

i am only the third Charterholder out of 80 employees.

Super - now I am just waiting for the old pat on the back and I will be golden

Just congratulations. The partners at my firm are all CFPs and think that is the end all be all designation. There is only one other charterholder at my firm. It’s pretty frustrating. I am hoping for a decent raise and change in title at the end of the year though.

i got a congrats , then i went back to work :frowning:

I think only people who have a CFA charter understand the pain, determination, etc. involved in completing - not to mention the knowledge base you acquire. My boss worked his way up through the firm out of high school and doesn’t place any value really on the charter. I’m not expecting anything other than the “congratulations” email I received.

My mgr sent out an email to our Fixed Income Dept and I got the typical congratulatory emails, etc…

No instant salary increase, dinner, breakfast, nothing.

Which is why I dropped my letter of resignation and am moving to Singapore at the end of the month.

Nice, caddyshack! Good for you and good luck! I wish I had the balls to do the same.

Got a fist bump from my boss (who is a charterholder) and a coworker (who is also charterholder) took me out for happy hour. No immediate salary increase, but my last few raises have factored in that I was progressing through the CFA program.

I got a bunch of congrats emails, my boss is taking me to a nice lunch, I get 50% of the exam costs reimburst, and a bonus of $3,000 net of taxes, so prolly around $4,500 gross. I’m sure it’ll get me more money in Feburary when I have my review.

I seem to be one of the few who get bonuses for passing. But without these, the bonuses are non-existent here. Literally, I got $750 bonus last year. It’s a joke.

Once I receive the charter I will be the only charterholder where I work (No recognition), and I work at a non-profit (no bonuses under any conditions)

But none of that takes away from this. I took my family out to a steakhouse, had some wine, and will get that piece of paper framed the day I receive it

Good for you! I wish you luck and success in your new journey!!! Keep us updated!

I’m glad to see some of you are getting a bonus or at least a raise in the future. I know I didn’t sign up for this exam and endure 6 grueling yrs to NOT be rewarded both financially (bonus, raise, etc…) and personally (ability to overcome adversity, mental challenge of the exams, etc…)

Congrats to everyone that passed and the relief of not having to go through this again.

Tks Neurotical and Palacio! I know if I don’t make this move now, I’ll regret it later. And having passed L3 now, I’d say I’ve increased my chances of landing a job or at least opened up some doors now.