Repeal & Replace - American Health Care Act

why not just have a single payer opt in? You opt in they slap an additional payroll tax on your for some specified amount. You dont want single payer you dont opt in and you dont pay the tax.

Why the hell is healthcare so difficult in this country. There are other examples around the world where we can borrow, build-on and improve so we don’t have to waste so much time and money. Pick the top-3 and build off of that!

we are the largest truly democratic country in the world, is it any surprise we couldnt even agree on a national ice cream flavor?

Edit: before people yell at me that India is democratic, sure ill humor you and allow their few years of democracy to count, but they are even more of a hsitshow

It won’t work. No one will use it besides poor, old, and sick people. Anyone with a job or money will be on their own plan. The only way this shit show could work is make everyone pay or make no one pay. I’m in favor of make no one pay because I can manage my money better than the government can.

Never heard this idea, but I think I like it. Obviously the tax amount would be a key deciding factor. Only caveat would be that some mechanism would be needed to keep people from opting in/out from year to year. Can’t have people deciding to opt in only when if fits their specific circumstances. Something along the lines of a mandatory five year opt-in/out period. Of course, the average person is a moron and this might be too complicated.

The fundamental question is: Is healthcare a right? If it is then go to single payer. If it isn’t then the government should get out of the healthcare business because they suck at it.

Yes, healthcare and access to health facilities is a right.

That’s the public option. Dems floated it first time around and the Repubs went balistic.

It’s a right, and a public good (social benefits exceed pvt benefits), and needs to be produced publicly, like defense. Every other developed nation does it that way. The US can’t (and probably will never be able to) do it because too much of the budget pie goes to global policing. But that’s only half the story. Health care prices are too high to begin with, so no matter how you decide who pays the bill, you’ll always fall short and someone will be worse off (that someone is usually the poor, but as always, fuck 'em). And as long as the swamp isn’t drained (which will never happen either because the people keep voting for the swamp, idiots), drug prices and costs to provide care will not go down.

the insurance companies are a huge problem, they buy off politicians to support them. They provide virtually no real service or expertise and suck out money from the economy. They are like ticketmaster but instead of charging you extra to see Maroon 5, they charge you a ton per month then when it comes time for them to pay they make it a pain in the ass and would rather you just die.

Insurance in other industries doesnt seem to have near the issues health insurance has, so its clearly the industry and not insurance itself. Those companies need to be put out to the shed, private insurance works great to insure for things you mare rarely need to make a claim on (Life, Property, Business) but for things basically everyone uses a few times a year its the stupidest idea ever and doesnt make real sense.

I love when people open with opinions presented as unassailable facts.


I love when people open with opinions presented as unassailable facts.

Maybe you’d feel better if I opened with “IT’S MY OPINION GAIZ”

I don’t know that I’d go quite that far. In the end though, as with pretty much all things political, the real blame falls on an ignorant and apathetic voter base. Politicians can only be bought if they’re in office and they only get or stay in office because of voters. For all the whining that people do about the money in politics, it’s still votes that count on election day, not dollars spent. The Koch brothers, George Soros, corporations, and unions can buy all the ads and pay all the demonstrators they want, but they can’t vote someone into office.

fair enough point, but certainly as the free market has shown marketing matters and the more money spent on advertising tends to pay off. Its hard to get the money out of politics when the ones who make the laws are the ones being paid off, idk how anyone votes for incumbents in congress no way in hell i was voting for Schumer

Yep I agree with you.

But - thanks to the Supreme Court (Who we don’t vote on) and decisions (like Citizen’s United), the Koch brothers, Soros, corporations, and unions decide who gets on the ballot and the debate stage (because believe it or not campaigning takes bucks) so in the end we get to vote between a Douche and a Turd Sandwich. Poor people have the option of waiting 6 hours to get into a voting booth to vote between two candidates that they don’t support so they just don’t vote. DNC and RNC are run by crooks so popular candidates with grassroots support like Bernie are pushed out. Stupid rules keep 3rd party candidates (Gary Johnson) out of the debate. Congressional districting is fucked up. I could go on.

Because it’s always the congress person in another district who’s the problem.

I would say the question is whether we as a society are willing to let those without coverage die because they can’t afford medical treatment. If we’re not, we have to provide universal coverage in some form. Can’t have it both ways.

All Citizen’s United did is level the playing field. Dems didn’t object to money in politics when it could only come from individuals and labor unions. I have no problem with reversing CU, but unions have to be taken out of the game too, not just corporations and PACs. Generally agree with the rest though.

I’m not sure what the best solution is to the US’s healthcare problems, but it is certainly not electing Gary Johnson.

I’m not so sure of that. Had GJ been elected, there would be no new bill, the ACA would collapse within a couple of years and there would be no option but to start over.