Republican House member resigns over 'shirtless craiglist ad'

An interesting question is how possible is it to live a hypocricy-free life? I know that I’m not able to live up to all of my values, but I do at least try. I wonder how many of the rest of us are able ot do it. One advantage of the “I believe in doing whatever the heck I want in any context” philosophy of life is that it is almost impossible to act hypocritically.

Uh oh, now I’m going to be guilty of ‘hate speech’. Poor wittle wiberal got him feelings hurt. On a different note, thanks for trying to get personal. Usually when that happens it means I’m right and you are not capable of debating facts. It’s really difficult being this good.

Agreed Chad, I think there is a famous quote by Oscar Wilde that basically goes: If one tells the truth, one is sure, sooner or later, to be found out.

Andrew3032 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Anyone who can’t see that we as a society would be > better off by simply bull dozing all politicians > (regardless of affiliation) into a mass grave is > seriously deluded. Ok, I’m generally with you, and I’m no public speaking consultant, but you’re probably losing some of your audience right around the part where you said that thing about the mass graves. I’ve compiled a chart: Interest |…_________ |…/…\ |…/…\ |…/…\ |____/…__________ |____________________________ …|…|…| Bull Dozers…Mass Graves…Sentence Ends

I do believe the opportunity to healthcare is a basic right and that insurers should have no legal right deny people coverage for pre-existing conditions. With the exception of that, I’m pretty much 100% free market capitalism. I do believe healthcare should not be funded via taxation, but rather through expanded government run public insurance. Moreover, the government should work with the nation’s charity groups such as churches, community groups, temples, mosques, synagogues to help create a national slush fund of sorts where the wealthy can “donate” money (for excellent tax benefits of course) to be solely used towards expensive treatments around the country. This should at least satisfy those who are either currently uninsurable. For those who are insured, the private sector should be encouraged to move towards price discrimination and multiple tier insurance services for the middle and upper middle class.

Black swan, very funny. Thank you for the graph. Before someone tries to report me to the “authorities” as the next tuscon nut job the whole mass grave thing is a literary device known as a “methaphor”. tj health is a right. If you study advances in the general population health over the past 100 years most of it is do to broad public health policy to supply clean drinking water, adequate sanitation service, free innoculations to combat wide spread epidemics of certain disease, and information concerning healthy diet and exercise. Healthcare is not a right. It’s a service. I know this is alwasy debated in a myriad of ways and there isn’t enough time or attention span of people here to even bother. But I simply do not see how you can logically see it otherwise once you have studied the issue, not simply listened to the latest hyped up BS out of a major news outlet

how the hell did we get off on the public health care issue from political hypocrisy anyway. Damn…

Andrew3032 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Uh oh, now I’m going to be guilty of ‘hate > speech’. Poor wittle wiberal got him feelings > hurt. On a different note, thanks for trying to > get personal. Usually when that happens it means > I’m right and you are not capable of debating > facts. It’s really difficult being this good. metaphors usually tend to have some meaningful context, yours doesnt. whats your suggested alternative? since you like debating facts, whats an example of a prosperous society without politicians? how would that work out, really, in practice? its understandable to be dissatisfied with the hypocrisy in both camps, your dissatisfaction just culminated in a nonconstructive dumb comment, thats all

Mobius Striptease Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > are you that Tucson nutcase, dude? Once again the delusion that liberals are capable of is unfathomable. As you can clearly tell, the above is fabulously constructive. Mobius if you can counter any of the points besides the use of the metaphor (and I won’t be side tracked into debating semantics on what consitutes a metaphor, mine in reference to the observation that politicians are useless is obvious to anyone with a brain cell or two) then do so. But you clearly can’t. Point in case you have tried to antagonize me again by your last post but have said nothing about the original points I made. You know I must say it feels good being right.

^ Liberals this that blah blah blah…man you are really frothing at the mouth! Do I detect a Glenn Beck Fan? Can you use some triangles and connect the dots to show how liberals are communists/ kenyans/ muslims/ Nazis and will put you in concentration camps? By the way do you even know what the term “Liberal” means?

Andrew3032 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- you’re trying to turn this into liberal vs conservative argument. its convenient, but thats not the point. i am not very political at all anyway. i tend to find extreme viewpoints on both ends of the spectrum equally frustrating and unproductive. i have no problem saying that al gore is an annoying tool. i dislike anti-gay rights activists, especially those who secretly suck c…ks. none of this is relevant to the remark i made to you. the statement “politicians are useless” is a shortsighted, populist rhetoric. it’s in the form of harmless chit-chat gibberish until you start dressing it up in metaphors such as yours

Andrew3032 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Black swan, very funny. Thank you for the graph. > Before someone tries to report me to the > “authorities” as the next tuscon nut job the whole > mass grave thing is a literary device known as a > “methaphor”. > > tj health is a right. If you study advances in > the general population health over the past 100 > years most of it is do to broad public health > policy to supply clean drinking water, adequate > sanitation service, free innoculations to combat > wide spread epidemics of certain disease, and > information concerning healthy diet and exercise. > Healthcare is not a right. It’s a service. I > know this is alwasy debated in a myriad of ways > and there isn’t enough time or attention span of > people here to even bother. But I simply do not > see how you can logically see it otherwise once > you have studied the issue, not simply listened to > the latest hyped up BS out of a major news outlet I don’t listen to “hyped up BS out of major news outlets”, … least of all, FOX news. What I do listen to are sound economic principles. I did argue for a privatized tier based system as long as a public safety net is in place for the under privileged. As for health vs healthcare, we’re mincing words here. Yes the opportunity to health is a right… and that right is fulfilled by a healthcare system. Personal safety is also a right, and that bit of civil service is being provided for by the police. We’re not denied said service simply because we’re not insured. So if you’re going to posit that healthcare is simply a service, I would argue that this service itself is a right.

All of you, on both sides of this discussion, are complete nutcases which is fine as long as you realize it. Anyone who thinks there is a measurable difference between a politician who is a democrat and one who is a republic is an idiot. Stop buying the pandering from the politicians and the talking heads trying to all talk over each other.

murders&executions Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Anyone who thinks there is a > measurable difference between a politician who is > a democrat and one who is a republic is an idiot. Agreed.

> Please, speaking of hypocrisy… it’s well known > that liberals are notorious for supporting > redistribution of wealth schemes so long as it > does not affect their own pocket book. Or how > about Al Gore flying around in a jet to speak > about the environment…what a joke…one only > need to look at his own lifestyle to see that it’s > only about moralizing about others not his own > actions. Or how about our Nobel Peace Prize > winning president who supports what is essentially > a totalitarian regime in Egypt. Marcus preaching > about so called conservatives ‘hypocrisy’ is > laughable. ***> Anyone who can’t see that we as a society would be > better off by simply bull dozing all politicians > (regardless of affiliation) into a mass grave is > seriously deluded. Which is exactly what I said to begin with.

All the other stuff has just been personal insult. Hope you feel better guys after spitting out all that venom. Maybe that has saved you a $100 dollar trip to your shrink. and you say I’m crazy or foaming at the mouth…geesh…look at what you have typed up and put out there yourself.

better question is, why did he need to go on Craiglist? He could just have hired the right interns.

Good point. At least he’s not hypocritical about doing things on the cheap. Then again, Spitzer as a Democrat doesn’t have to argue that he’s doing things cheaply.

I feel sorry for the guy he tries to get himself some internet booty and ends up destroying his life. I guess this illustrates that if you’re going to preach about integrity you should probably have some.

Do we really need 450 plus representatives in Congress? In the spirit of limited government, they should begin by reducing the number of Congressmen and women by 50 percent.