
^its not if you tell your fellow AFers

I think CVC will dominate that space so it’ll be tough to unseat such a strong competitor.

Come on dude, let us in on it. PM me if you have to.

I don’t know. The problems blockchain supposedly will solve almost all have more efficient, centralized ways of doing it. And only .0001% of the crypto volume is related to the ‘intrinisic value’ uses, it means i don’t think the vlaue is really based on anything

It is just as compliant as your handle


Lol my friend lost 600k. But he still up 1.5 mil

I will shave my butt with a straight razor if ripple goes to 5

Nah, sold 20k at 1.70. About to buy back at a buck.

lol by what date? EOY?

Jesus, he sold around lows?

purealpha will shave your butt for free.

he didnt sell. he still held. iron balls!

he only sells when he is spending the money.

Wow, good for him then. I’ll admit, I had shaky hands, thought about dumping my whole position but nah

i dunno if i shared this. but back then bitcoin was around 10k, and it crashed to 3k. around that time, my buddy was thinking of dumping his position as he was panicking and goign crazy. but he drank himself to sleep. by next morning, bitcoin leveled off. also he checks the prices like crazy. as in every hr. he talks or i mean brags about it nonstop. when he is feeling down he just stares at it. he is letting this imaginary money define him, hopefully you are not going throug hte same shit. hes openly admitted that he is a bipolar and this shit just makes it worse. rollercoastere!!

Crypto “investors” are entering the realm of vegans and crossfitters.

lolz -

crypto is life

CFA for life

haha I actually left work to load my XRP onto the exchange to unload everything but had a meeting I couldn’t miss, glad I didn’t (for now). I stare at it non stop for sure. Probably check coinmarketcap about 20 times a day, which is so dumb. Don’t think I let it define me except for that 3 day stretch last week, mon-wed, but since I was up so much and still am, just had to keep telling myself that.

I’ve taken pretty extreme risks though in a lot of aspects of life. Used to race dirtbikes as a kid, lots of cliff diving, etc. However, in terms of “investing”, crypto takes the cake easily.

you can get all the protein you need from nuts/peas and doing high rep snatches is the only way to build muscle, bro. You forgot to mention beards and craft beer.

XLM fools

Hope you dropped this hot potato6