Sage advice from the OG, SG

speaking of which has anyone bumped the nofap thread or the colon health/oxy powder thread lately

On the one hand, I kinda feel bad for sara because I think it takes a lot of guts to put yourself out there, and I haven’t gone over much of any of her work but I’m sure it probably has some utility to some people or else she wouldn’t be able to support herself doing it. Also it seems like she’s still in the process of really establishing herself so getting a thread of people shitting on her would no doubt be harsh, and lets be real, we’re all flawed humans and if any of us tried to make some name for ourself, it’d be possible that we’d not do everything that everyone would love. Plus I honestly just like her spunky attitude and think she’s kinda cute.

On the other hand, as BS mentioned, she didn’t really address that people in this thread thought her material wasn’t that great. And appealing to the “me too” movement, in such a benign and unprofessional context, seems edgy and annoying to me.

Oh man. I just read that and it was incredible. I don’t know what cvm was banned for but he really needs to get unbanned. I’m tempted to go buy some of that shit right now.

Gimme a sec…

Bird man that’s very thoughtful.

People who put themselves out there and take risks are prolly more successful than those who just ridicule everything.

Honestly lol im surprised greenie just won’t apologize. Didn’t think greenie was a dick. Lol

So, I thought about it and while I agree she’s annoying in some regards, it’s also not our business and she’s trying to run an independent advisory type company that means people are probably googling her name. Despite her short coming she doesn’t need this showing up so at the least I would ask Greenman and everyone here to change references to her full name to “Sara G” or “SG” or possibly just delete it out of sensitivity to her situation. Sure she’s a public persona and she uses the internet hence she’s fair game but she’s also not some major household name so this thread features more prominently in searches than it should. I’m here to anonymously blab not mess with people’s real lives.

^Fair enough. Once I’m back at the computer tomorrow, I’ll change my posts and the thread title to remove all references to her name.

But I still think the thread should remain. She’s advertising herself as a leading financial writer and making references to the CFA program and the charter, so I don’t feel bad about criticizing her writing or her public persona. Especially on a website intended for people in the CFA Program.

Speaking of phrases (or, simply, words) people shouldn’t use, what about “top”? As in, “top financial writer”.

it doesnt really show up at the top if you go incognito. you are probably seeing it at the top because you have visited it and google knows!!! they know eeverything

Ah ok, thanks!

For what it is worth (and that is not much), I view Greenie’s constant bumps of this thread akin to yelling fire in a crowded room.

Knowing the nature of men, this forum, and the internet more broadly means that no one should really be surprised at what a targeted thread on one individual will devolve into. It is actually shocking this thread remained fairly ‘tame’ compared to other threads here, which is probably due to Greenie not stoking the embers and instead spent his posts attacking the merits of articles (mostly). Even still, I really think you should just let the thread die Greenie - but it is up to you.

And while I’m no SJW (where are our lovely SJW warriors on this thread? Do they only show up to yell at Turd?), I think its fair to say being an overweight guy is not the same. But I suspect there is no way I’ll ever convince you of this, given your context.

Oh, snap!! Wrong thread!! :blush:

I would strongly disagree.


Don’t know what you’re saying. What do you mean, “yelling fire in a crowded room”? I presume you mean that my speech is both dangerous and false. I disagree on both counts. This speech is relatively tame, and it is certainly not false. It is merely an opinion.

And I’m also not sure what you mean by “being an overweight guy is not the same”.

Nonetheless, I did note your point on targeting a single individual, and what it generally devolves into. As you mentioned, for the most part, we have confined our “attacks” on the merits (or lack thereof) of her writing. Granted, we did take the liberty of commenting on the Youtube videos. But let’s keep it reall–if you’re going to post something on the internet, expect people to comment on it.

Also, as I mentioned before, this woman holds herself out to the public as the top financial writer in the world. She consistently writes articles about financial planning and advisor marketing. She also discusses her journey through the CFA program at length on her website. As such, comments and criticism of her writing is not unwarranted, nor is it overly harsh–especially on a website full of CFA Charterholders and advisors.

Whether or not we should criticize her Youtube presence (appearance, dancing, image, etc.) is subject to some debate. (Personally, I’m of the opinion that if you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. But that’s just me.) But I won’t back down from criticizing her articles or the subject material contained in the Youtube videos.

If anything, she should be thanking me for helping her reach a larger audience. After all, doesn’t she get paid every time a video is watched or an article is read?

Just so you know–I subscribe to a daily e-mail from Advisor Perspectives. Most of it is economic data or financial forecasts, which I’m generally not interested in reading. However, when I see a piece about marketing or growing your business, I’ll usually glance at it and see if there are any takeaways that I can use.

Most (if not all) of SG’s articles are of that nature, which is why I seem to read a lot of her articles. In the recent past, I haven’t commented on them. Just reposted them. Maybe I should repost with commentary.

Are you trying to set a record for most number of topics where you mention SJWs? Those Ben Shapiro podcasts are doing their job on you I guess.

I’m not ever sure if I’m supposed to take you seriously. You’ve admitted you post sometimes just to get under people’s skin. Which is an odd habit to have for someone who claims to have this badass meditation practice. Sounds like it’s going great, bro.

I finally went to her website. It’s literally Buzzfeed for financial “news.”

And, as we should all know by know, Buzzfeed sucks.