Got exactly a 70. dominated equity. did ok on quant and econ. BOMBED FSA. the wording on the questions were nothing like i’ve seen before. i literally had to guess what the f they were talking about. and BOMBED ethics, which is usually a strong suit for me. all in all, i felt like i should have done better, but at least it was a pass. (you know how they give you pass and fail on these online exams like 70 is the definite mps? ridiculous) i’d be interested to see what others who have taken this thing thought about the fsa section. i realize that this freak out on fsa could just have been me not being comfortable with fsa.
question since i didn’t take any CFA tests for L1- this whole can’t go back/screen print thing- so when i take the test, what happens? you get a question, you answer, then you get the answer? but then you can’t go back or something? just want to know before i start dropping cashola over the next few weeks on how it all goes. next weekend i plan to start tests- prob a schweser AM/PM and the free CFA one. so i will tell you how you killed me score-wise in a week. but do tell so i know going in- how exactly does it go down format-wise?
pretty much as you said, you answer the question then it pops up whether the answer is right or wrong and gives a short explanation why and where in CFAI textbooks to find how to answer it, but then you can’t really go back once you have submitted the exam…at the end they give you a print out of the answers but not the questions…best thing to do imo is a screen shot before you answer the question , then a second one after you answered the question with the detailed answer
i hate the format. so you get the vignette, then 1 question at a time. (the vignette stays for every question) after you answer the question you cannot go back and it tells you right away whether you got it right or wrong and the explanation of the correct answer. (like you’re supposed to stop your exam and think about why the answer is wrong before you move on) so if you get the first three wrong, your morale is hosed. you cannot go back and get the question or the answer, so i think people screenprint after every question. i wouldn’t worry bannis. that first schweser score for me should have been a lot higher and i don’t think it is that tough. it’s just rough getting back into testing mode, especially with the vignette format. so i think we have to do as many tests as possible. just like in L1.
dubs, did you take the free one? i’m curious what people thought of it.
I scored 65% about a month ago, which I assume was pretty good for the moment. However I believe that free sample exam is quite easy - I expect somewhat more difficult in June…
expect a way more difficult test in june… kjarro, what did you think of the fsa?
CFAI should get more creative to prevent the distribution of their tests while not making it such a pain in the arse to take. Kind of like what Schweser did. Mail out the tests and then allow for the answers to be done online with the product code. But wait Schweser did that as a study tool in order to help test takers to see how their score compares with others. (What a load of bull)
cfasf- i just took the free sample test and i bombed ethics and FSA as well (i think i was 2/6 on both, oh yeah). i hadn’t seen stuff like doing holding/flow on just one thing like assets before… i thought the wording was tough and i got smoked. ethics as well- i need to re-read the handbook very soon and brush up. equity i did well in, quant and econ were pretty straightforward. this was a good sobering event though- i need to study a whole lot more.
Just took it. I got 78%. Did very badly in FSA though- only 50%. Need to do more questions in FSA. Overall, I’m quite pleased, because I was thinking of not sitting for the test at all. Haven’t studied in the past 2.5 weeks… Anyway, the vignette system is definitely not bad. Not as wordy either…Schweser questions are way TOO wordy. Time management is also not an issue. I guess the questions are quite fair! I’m happy that I took it- now I know that I need to focus on FSA.
hey guys. i’m glad you guys agree about the wording in fsa… what is this craziness about not taking the exam, ruhi? i’ll pretend i didn’t hear that. BUT me. i’ve never felt so much like quitting… why? maybe it was just me, but this second sample from CFAI? you think book7 was bad? this was the single worst practice exam i think i’ve ever taken. all the way to the vague wording and complexity. oh man. i didn’t break 55%. i’ll leave it at that. and i swear there is an error in the first vignette… i’m really going to have to write them.
Which sections had vague wording? Ethics? Was it anything like the wording in FSA or worse?
Cfasf, just started on a new job and all. So I can hardly study after work. Too much distraction overall. So…I was thinking of not sitting for the test at all, or just sit without doing any more reading. :’( Anyway, why would YOU want to quit? It’s great that you guys are regularly posting here and stuff. It really helps you to stay motivated. I’ve hardly been around and that’s one of the reasons why I’m losing touch with my studies. Second sample from CFAI? I haven’t taken it. Did you take it? I don’t think I will do Book 7 this year. I remember that it was quite a fiasco last yr…if I do take it, then I’ll do it very casually…more for the knowledge… >>i didn’t break 55% You talking about Book 7 or this exam? Sorry, I’m a lil confused. >>First vignette Umm…kinda ambiguous though. I didn’t like the wording too much. Did you feel that way too? I was confused RE: the conflict of interest and the disclosure thingie…don’t know why.
derivatives, ethics, portfolio mgmt. dude, i’m shell shocked right now… i’m probably talking nonsense. i’m in a bad bad funk right now. took this garbage sf test yesterday and did crappy, now this debacle. seriously, man. i’m feeling pretty defeated right now. going to go take a smoke break. and i quit smoking 6 years ago. i’m not kidding.
ruhi, i’m talking about the second sample from the cfai. i hope it’s really brutal and it’s not just me. it could be though, since i’m in bad shape right now…
cfasf1 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > derivatives, ethics, portfolio mgmt. dude, i’m > shell shocked right now… i’m probably talking > nonsense. i’m in a bad bad funk right now. took > this garbage sf test yesterday and did crappy, now > this debacle. seriously, man. i’m feeling pretty > defeated right now. going to go take a smoke > break. and i quit smoking 6 years ago. i’m not > kidding. PLEASE.DON’T. SMOKE. It’s not worth it. I swear! Get over that crappy exam and just revise some more stuff. Really…focus more on the sample exam and see how well you did on that? You got a 70%. The CFAI mock exams are closer to the real thing. And if you do badly in these mock exams, then you need to get a lil worried. For now, don’t think about the SF exam. It won’t do you any good.
Wasn’t there some real ^@\* of a sample exam for L1? This may be it for L2.
cfasf1 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ruhi, i’m talking about the second sample from the > cfai. i hope it’s really brutal and it’s not just > me. it could be though, since i’m in bad shape > right now… Aww! I haven’t taken it. Will let you know once I do…just hang in there. Don’t get bogged down about it. Learn those concepts well and do some more questions from the Qbank. There is lots of time left.
ruhi, Glad to hear your practice exam went well. You are going to beat this thing up on 7/6.
mwvt9 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ruhi, > > Glad to hear your practice exam went well. You > are going to beat this thing up on 7/6. thanks mwvt. Did you take the free sample test? How far are you in your prep? Did you get through all the readings?