so many pre-nups being challenged these days?

At this point, maybe the question is not so much why women are crazy, but where itera keeps finding these women.

I assume you mean that if one partner inherits while married, does the inheritence automatically become joint property.

I believe this varies on a state by state basis. Most states IIRC do consider inheritances as individual assets provided they are managed as such; however it can be very easy to do something that makes it community property. So, for example, if you inherit mom and dad’s $1MM home, that’s yours as long as you don’t start living in it. And if you sell it and buy something else, that might be community property. And if you sell it and keep the money in a separate account, you’re probably ok, but if the money spends any time in a joint account, then it becomes community. Things like that.

silk tigers playa

This is a man i respect and admire. 35 years and still going strong. Hopefully another 35-50 more years. You have a great lady there my friend.

Just to add, pre-nup is a symptom. When you have a disease, you don’t treat the symptom, you treat the cause. The cause is either you look for the wrong type, or you don’t know how to look for the right type. Certain type of people should not get married with certain type of people. They just have too much of the same temperament. The relationship/marriage will ultimately fail.

^I differ in opinions. To me, a pre-nup is like a seat belt. It’s something that I hope I never have to use. But when the day does come, I’ll certainly be glad I have it.

Ideally, I will never have to use my seat belt. That would be the preferred outcome.

i think it’s more like taping your hands to the steering wheel. sure it keeps your hands on the wheel and in most cases, this is a good thing, but there are some moments when taking your hands off the wheel would be a good thing, like when you’re stuck on the tracks and a train is coming.

^ what exactly is the situation in marriage when you suddenly wants your hands “off the wheel” [aka. wishing no prenup existed]?

Because the only situation that makes sense is it the girl suddenly won the lottery and you wanted to dip your hand into her winnings.

I think he’s saying taping your hands to the steering wheel is like committing without prenup

So you think the only way a woman can get financially ahead of her spouse is by winning the lottery?!? No other scenarios appear in your head?!? Gee

i didn’t really think it through to be honest, and i certainly didn’t explain it as i thought it. i think a pre-nup is like taping your hands to the wheel because you THINK it is helping, and in some ways it is, but it will result in disaster eventually. why are you even in a relationship (aka driving) if you are going to tape your hands to the wheel? in other words, if the relationship matters then it should have no restrictions or stipulations. if it doesn’t matter and the money is what matters, then don’t be in a relationship. it’s a maturity thing. the only way it isn’t a maturity thing is if there is a trust stipulation like BS’s or if you earn an insane amount more than your partner. for most people (e.g. net income under $500K), it doesn’t make any sense.

Dude worst analogy ever.

Krnyc, statistically speaking, itera’s correct.

second worst maybe.

Quote 1:

Quote 2:


I don’t get the sense from his posts here that itera wins the girls over with his charm, suave words, and his positive, uplifting outlook on people and life.

It’s possible that itera may be fantastically handsome and physically attractive, but he doesn’t seem to report the kinds of experiences that such people tend to have (former trader being the expert on that). I’m not implying that itera’s unattractive, but it just doesn’t sound like physical awesomeness is the way he reels them in. (I don’t reel them in that way, either).

That leaves money. We do know that itera is a Sell Side Superman. Money definitely does attract certain types of women and it can work very well if manipulated appropriately. What kinds of women does money work on? Well, the kinds that do the sort of thing that itera’s reporting.

Personally, recommendation (if you want it, though I do understand you may not care) is to try to have a more positive outlook on people and try to use money, financial accomplishments, and even your job as little as possible when getting to know people. That may attract a different kind of woman who is more into the kinds of things that make a relationship nice. I’ve never encountered a woman saying “Ah, the best thing about this guy is how he hates moochers and anyone who has less than him!” Perhaps Ayn Rand said that, but she’s no longer on the market, being dead and all that. :wink:

If we are talking about itera, it’s most likely Asian women of the most FOB-ish nature - probably immigrants. At most, children of immigrants. I am exercising my insider right to apply stereotypes (like how black people can say “n***a”). This explains 75% of the observations here, anyway.

I hadn’t thought of that. I’ve never been with Asian women, but I have heard from both Asians and non-Asians who have been with Asians that traditional Asian women are even more obsessed with status symbols like carat size, what kind of car she will drive, expensive brand names, etc. than the norm. Perhaps you are on to something there, ohai.

Umm, you can just go ahead and say Asians are a bunch of whores (not sex whores, but for status and money). You don’t need to be like “it’s not me, it’s my friends who dated Asians who said that”. Koreans are the worst, followed by Chinese.

First off, my brother’s wife is 1st generation Chinese so I find this deeply offensive. Secondly, it’s also true.

Ohai: Are you Chinese or Korean?

I’ll add brown people into the mix of ‘status symbols are important’. Here where I work, there are a lot of custom license plates with, for example, A Singh or Mandeep.

I was going to get mad because I am a fob, but good you’re talking about continental asians… hehe.

Everyone please watch this:

I can’t speak for all obviously, but I think Japanese are more “repuation whores”- and showing off your wealth extravagantly is shameful, and you’re (ok I’m) constantly worrying what other people think of you in terms of what is “acceptable”. So status, at least if it’s from a “good job”, is very good. Having an expensive foreign car is not (that’s tacky)

Now, however I am willing to adjust my standards if I can date a man who will pay off my student loans…