State of the Union

Marxists, postmodernists, democrats, corporatists. A big market, these days.

It seems a coalition formed; marxists get to redistribute American wealth to “browny”, postmodernists get to hate America and destroy “whitey” jobs, democrats get votes, corporatists get cheap labor and don’t have to pay the welfare (and it doesn’t crowd out THEIR jobs) as well as keeping the masses divided with a race war (media arm sows division).

Yet so clearly a sub-optimal move for the nation’s long-term health.

I don’t disagree with making reasonable changes to the immigration policy but I think it’s dangerous to just give the hard line immigration politicians a pass when they rile up their base with the racist bullsh*t that brown immigrants are the ones killing innocent white people based on one or two anecdotes. Meanwhile you never hear anything about home grown white wackos wiping out people left and right with high powered machine guns. The rhetoric may not have an effect on you but it sure does on millions of others. It’s great some people can just pass it off as ‘whatever’ but this stuff seeps into the body politic when the President is basically a parrot for the racists in his own admin and in Congress and the state run propaganda machine that is Fox News. Wouldn’t everyone agree the DACA folks deserve to be here? They work, they pay taxes, they’re educated, etc and as of March 5th they could very well be deported. So rhetoric can become policy (or lackthereof) pretty damn quickly.

The other thing that bothers me in all of this, and I certainly don’t have the numbers, but do these neocon warhawks ever look in the mirror and wonder how many refugees are a direct or indirect result of the United States commitment to imperialism? All I ever hear about is 4 (or now 5D) chess but how hard is it to take literally one step back and say, sh*t, maybe we have all these refugees fleeing the middle east because of our own presence there. Maybe if we stopped spending a kajillion dollars on the military we’d have more money to take care of own people so citizens would be in a better position to want to extend help those who need it.

FIFY. Libs always project.

Conservatism doesn’t select for emotionality , like liberalism. Whites and Northern Asians have higher IQs, and higher conscientiousness, the two largest factors determining success (plus they come from cultures that will integrate better). It makes sense to pick probable winners. Also, in America’s situation it makes sense to prepare for winter, existing citizens need jobs, and the USG can’t afford more mouths to feed.

yep lol. im a chain migrant. lol 0 skills and net worth. didnt even know english. but thats not the point.

should we allow a child or a parent of a migrant take from the system in which they did not contribute, just because they are related to someone that will?

for children there is at least a potential to contribute, but for old people, its dead weight.

You are complaining about the imaginary “hateful rhetoric”, which you heard about from the corporate media.

Nobody ever said any of the things you people claim they said; there are no white supremacists, racists, or misogynists or any of that nonsense. There are pragmatists talking about real world problems. Clean you mental room!


This was a major pillar in Trump’s original platform - that is to stop fighting int’l wars and use those proceeds to rebuild america. This was Bannon’s dream child which i hope gets implemented in 2018. I am a firm believer the days of US intervention in every conflict will soon be behind us. Whether or not this will be beneficial for the global population is a question soon to be answered.

As for the dreamers - didnt trump say he would provide the road towards citizenship?

Talking about increasing nukes and troops to Afghanistan, provoking NK further and expanding Guantanamo isn’t a great start, but I hope you’re right.

I would say that it was waaayyyyy worse than President Camacho’s speech that started this thread.

  1. Trump did a good job cheerleading accomplishments and mentioning things that are going well, which is what he’s supposed to do.

  2. Chain migration for immediate family I do not view as a major concern. Cousins/aunts/uncles, that is probably too much.

  3. I do not know enough about the lottery/merit system to have a strong view. I should read up on it.

  4. Increase/modernize nuclear arms publicly seems dumb. If you’re going to do something like that, you make it secret.

  5. Coal is dead, stop it.

  6. This is fucked: “So tonight I call on Congress to empower every cabinet secretary with the authority to reward good workers and to remove federal employees who undermine the public trust, or fail the American people.”

  7. I am very disappointed not to hear a plan for the opioid crisis. 64,000 lives lost in 2016. 80% of opioid’s are consumed in the US.

stop immigration!! ms-13 is everywhere

Image result for north korean crutches

lol conservatism in its current format is 100% emotional - trump is all about playing to the base fears fox news has created over the last 30 years. Its almost like for all this talk about being a fantastic analyst you actually have zero clue whats going on.

you also pat yourself on the back and claim superior race nonsense which is just laughable. the biggest predictor of success in america is your parents - their wealth & education. you can read your richard spencer crap and treat yourself like a snowflake instead of acknowledging the truth that you are not special, and you are certainly not superior to anyone. this is why the alt right is a joke - they talk about how everyone is a snowflake that cant handle the truth, yet they themselves need to keep repeating how special and superior they are otherwise they have to reflect on their own lives and realize they havent done anything important either. :bulb:

Why no one is talking about the biggest loophole of them all - Child born on US soil are automatically us citizen? Can we stop all of this birth turism? Seriously. There are droves of Russian moms in Miami (Nerdy don’t get any ideas), and there are clinics, services everything catered to birth tourism.

They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

^haha funny quote. shows how biased trump really is.

but lets discuss what is the most important thing that is no longer talked about. THE BUDGET MOTHERFUCKING DEFICIT. every year we have a half a trillion in new debt because of this. we need to cut spending. where would you cut. i vote cut medicare, and social security, and unemployment benefits. nearly 66% of the budget costs is dedicated to this. as these baby boomers retire, we going to get screwed even further. we need to cut their benefits a lot and increase the retirement age, though im not really sure how productive a 62 yo or 67 or 70 yo really is.

ps im really glad trump mentioned that us is paying more for healthcare than other countries. its time we stop subsidizing global health and force these companies to lower their prices.

a recent article i read:

Do you have a solution for the high cost of drugs? A pharmaceutical company gets 60 percent of the dollar that is paid for the drug. Forty percent goes to the supply chain: the pharmacy benefit manager, the wholesaler, the retailer. That seems wrong. We’re the ones taking all the risk. We’re the ones developing the drug. That 40 percent—how do we find a way to get [some of] that money into the hands of the patient at the pharmacy benefit counter? If we can do that, we can put a serious dent in pharma costs in the U.S.

Is that the lesson you got from that thread you put up a couple weeks ago?

yeah def not - i lost hope when trump ordered the strikes on the sryian airbase. Trump went from, we should side with the russians to keep asad in power and fight isis to supporting the same policy for the past 16 years. I wonder what those generals hold on every politician.

The divide that is present today is just the ramifications of the media. I think as a whole most americans have fairly similar beliefs. Immigration is good but should be legal and merit based, neverending conflicts are a waste of money, and more importantly a waste of human life. We should stop allocating that money to unnecessary wars and invest in infrastructure and the poor. pharma companies need to be regulated - they are leveraging human life to make profits.

What america needs is a fair, honest individual. I usually lean more as a libertarian and i would have voted for Bern for this exact purpose.

yes lets cut medicare and ss. them illegals stealing dat too

● How about prepping for and actually fighting overseas wars? Well, we’re the champs here, too. In 2016, baseline U.S. military spending reached $611 billion, and it’s only going to rise—by about $100 billion—under Trump. That’s more than China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, India, France, the United Kingdom, Japan and Germany combined. Oh, yeah, and the last six are all U.S. “allies” or “strategic partners.” Despite the prevailing rhetoric of peace and harmony, the U.S. is also the leader in global arms sales, including transactions with some of the world’s worst human rights abusers.

In terms of active conflict, the U.S. military has been at war now for nearly 17 straight years. In that time, America has conducted more overt regime changes—three—than any other country. Each of those regime change operations, whether in Afghanistan, Iraq or Libya, has led to chaos, civil war and millions of dead. None of these post-invasion countries could reasonably be labeled free or stable despite all the bloodshed and trillions spent. And America’s wars are still spreading. In 2016 alone, the U.S. dropped 26,000-plus bombs on at least seven countries. Given the current mood in Washington, expect that number only to rise.

There is simply no bigger issue in politics than this as far as I’m concerned. It creates the deficit, detracts from funds to spend on improving life for our citizens and actively works to fuel terrorism around the globe, not curb it. Very few politicians have the balls to talk about it, conservative or liberal. You have to go to the fringes of media to find serious anti-war commentary meanwhile the MSM will run their 9,000th anti-Iran article without a shred of introspection. Like I said yesterday in the MAGA thread, WaPo just brought in Max f u cking Boot to write opinion columns. The guy literally advocates war with every breath he takes and walking human waste like purealpha have the audacity to call The Times or The Post liberal media? Hysterical. The real liberal media is buried under mountains of neoliberal trash in every Google search you do which I imagine will only get worse over time.

And what do we hear at every State of the Union, regardless of the President? Terrorism is the greatest threat on Earth. We must keep fighting. We must support our troops. Fight fight fight. It’s all such a joke.

9/11 was the best thing that ever happened to conservatives but don’t be fooled, Saudi Arabia owns us and will forever after that day. But here’s a bold idea, let’s sell them a bunch of weapons.

plus 200b go to military vets too. we need to cut that too. so when you take that into account, nearly 20% is spent on military. american isolationism ftw. we need to go back to otriginal strat. let our enemies fight, and we mop up.

^^Preach man! I walk by a guy holding a sign every single day that says Afghan War 17 years and running - he’s probably the only place you really hear about it.

To be fair, and this shouldn’t be construed as being an advocate of trump, his platform was certainly anti-war. The amercia first sentiment was supposed to support this ideology, one of which msm may classify as isolationist, in which US involvement in other country’s affairs would essentially cease. I think you should reconsider this left vs right when it comes to foreign affairs bc it’s essentially been the same since the 1980s. Here’s an excerpt from Clinton’s SOTU:

Together we must also confront the new hazards of chemical and biological weapons, and the outlaw states, terrorists and organized criminals seeking to acquire them. Saddam Hussein has spent the better part of this decade, and much of his nation’s wealth, not on providing for the Iraqi people, but on developing nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and the missiles to deliver them. The United Nations weapons inspectors have done a truly remarkable job, finding and destroying more of Iraq’s arsenal than was destroyed during the entire gulf war. Now, Saddam Hussein wants to stop them from completing their mission. I know I speak for everyone in this chamber, Republicans and Democrats, when I say to Saddam Hussein, “You cannot defy the will of the world”, and when I say to him, "You have used weapons of mass destruction before; we are determined to deny you the capacity to use them again.[31]