In the past few days, several threads have popped up, all variations of the same question.

“I kept writing after the proctors said to stop. However, unlike all the others who usually keep writing, I had a really really really good reason to keep writing. A proctor came over to me, told me that I was in violation of CFA rules, and wrote my name and seat number and candidate number down. Surely CFAI won’t do anything to me, will they? I mean, I had a good reason to break the rules.”

For those who don’t understand plain ol’ English, let me interpret this for you: When the proctor says, “Stop writing and put your pencils down,” what they really mean is “Stop writing and put your pencils down.” One other way to put it is like this: STOP WRITING AND PUT YOUR PENCILS DOWN!!!

If you continue to write after the proctors say, “Stop writing and put your pencils down”, then you have failed to follow very simple instructions. You are an idiot. And you deserve whatever punishment CFAI hands down to you, which will probably be a voiding of your exam results.

Of course, this is just my opinion. Feel free to disagree with me if you want to. And feel free to write after the proctor says, “Stop writing and put your pencils down.” Let us know how the PCP investigation goes.

And by writing they mean making any marks with your pencil…the pencil lead should not be making contact with the paper…and the pencil should not be in your hand.

And no handshakes.

Well, obviously there was a fire, and he was trying to contact the Fire Department via carrier pigeon (due to not having a cell phone). This should be a clear exception to the policy.

Yea and dont write notes on your ticket to remember to take your wallet…how about you just…remember to take your wallet.



I would also add, writing past time called is grounds for auto-hacksaw. the whole unit

Bump, for all those who are unsure of what the term “stop writing and put your pencils down” means.

and DO NOT ask the person next to you, “bro how was it?”

Or ask him what time it is.

Or flirt with the girl next to you

after the level 3 am paper i threw down the pen like it had just turned into an ebola victims finger…

I remember before L1 someone telling me to put my pencil down as soon as the procters say so. It was the best advice I ever received because back in University I would continue writing until my paper was picked up. I had no idea how strict the Institute would be.

I remember before L1 someone telling me to put my pencil down as soon as the procters say so. It was the best advice I ever received because back in University I would continue writing until my paper was picked up. I had no idea how strict the Institute would be.

What exactly confused you about the booming voice on the microphone saying “IF YOU ARE STILL WRITING YOU ARE IN DIRECT VIOLATION OF CFA INSTITUTE POLICY”?

^ I don’t believe I ever heard that being said on the microphone. My recollection was “put your pencils down, time is up”.

Must have been a while ago I guess. I remember my instructions being blasted on the loudspeaker.

2006, 07 and 08.

3 levels in 18 months, and that guarantees superior permance.

dont listen to greenman let natural selection run its course

Bump. Just because.