The Official "Calling It" Thread 2008

DON’T KNOW didn’t start studying until April so if nothing else I feel like I don’t deserve it. BUT, there’s always a chance.

over05 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > 51/50, on borderline, but can’t identify more > wrong ones now. Fuzzy math?

Pass, but wish I could have left the test on a high note (ala Seinfeld)

Based on the above sample data, we have 8 PASS and 5 FAIL, excluding “Don’t Know”. If this represents the population mean, the pass rate will be 61%. lets say the null hypothesis is the 61% pass rate is statistically significant, how can we run a t-test to see if we accept the null hypothesis at 95% confident level? Any taker?

thepinkman Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > over05 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > 51/50, on borderline, but can’t identify more > > wrong ones now. > > Fuzzy math? He gave 101%

DON’T KNOW Would have said fail immediately following the exam but feel a slight bit of encouragement from seeing posts on this board. Also likely in the 60-70% range. Seemed to do well in ethics based on comments here, so we shall see. Last year scored a 67% based on 40/60/80 rule, and that was scoring below 50% on Quant, Econ and PM. I’d be surprised if I didn’t do better on those sections this year. On another note, I would guess the majority of regulars here, being more engaged in the CFA “process” are passes. My $.02.

Pass…not too bad.

How many candidates worldwide do we estimate sat for the Level II exam in June 08?

119,000 were registered to write, from the posts here, at least 20% failed to show which drops it to about 95,000. (failed to show or not complete number is probably higher given the stats on the CFA site, ie 2007 140,000 registered to write all 3 levels, but only 71,897 are actually listed as having taken the exam) based on the CFA press release and past results: you can imagine that between 40-50,000 were L1 candidates, about 25,000 for L2 and the remainder for L3

pass. no certainty, more hopeful thinking

Pass (70/40)…I gave 110%

I studied too much so I FAILED. Next time will study less.

PASS, although I feel very boderline. Pretty sure I destroyed FSA and Ethics, so that is what is keeping me positive.

budfox427 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > PASS, although I feel very boderline. Pretty sure > I destroyed FSA and Ethics, so that is what is > keeping me positive. Bud, I assume you studied Ethics from CFAI text and studied it well to be so confident about your Ethics answers. Can you please confirm? I was so time-constrained to not even go through Ethics using CFAI; Schweser all the way. I think that hurt me quite a bit for the Ethics questions in the PM session.

yeah, CFAI all the way, and 2-3X. Made sure I spent plenty of time on it. Level 1, I was 100% confident I got every ethics question right except for one in the PM section. I am nowhere near that confident this year, obviously, but I am confident enough to give myself a very high probability of getting >70% on that section. That is kind of contrary to a lot of people’s experience, so it may just be a section that I am more comfortable in than most. Or I could be completely out of my gourd and could have bombed it, I suppose.



chrismaths Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > > 51/50, on borderline, but can’t identify more > > > wrong ones now. > > > > Fuzzy math? > > He gave 101% For every % of effort above 100% outputted, they should raise the required passing score proportionally in order to make it fair for all candidates. For example, assuming ~67% is the cutoff…need perfect on exam if you gave it ~133%. This way, CFA exam grading methods are more robust and fair, putting people who gave it their all (more than 100%, up to ~33%) on the same footing as those “only” gave 100%…effectively nullifying people who “cheat” using extra effort.

You got me confused.

lol, I’m just referring to the 101% effort in that previous post… So that if you put an extra 1% effort over 100%…you should need an extra 1% on your score to pass. I was trying to be funny…I guess I failed!!!