The USA is a terrorist state

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have questioned just what intelligence went into the decision to kill Soleimani, and especially why it had to happen when it did. The administration has so far only mentioned some sort of “imminent threat” as justification.

But “after the strike,” Trump gave associates another explanation: “He was under pressure to deal with Gen. Soleimani from GOP senators he views as important supporters in his coming impeachment trial in the Senate,” the Journal writes.

I actually think we should have just let Iran have Iraq. Iraq was like this high maintenance liability of a house we couldn’t get out of, then Iran came along and actually WANTED it and suddenly we couldn’t part with it. Putting aside our western bias Iran is probably much more culturally and locally prepared to help stabilize the country. Of course we have this obsession with obstructing everything they do because apparently Israel and KSA won’t let us so it was never going to happen, in which case here we are. So in reality the US has made an implicit decision over the past 10 years to just stay in Iraq forever to prevent Iran gaining influence, but decided against ever telling the US population about this explicitely.

I don’t want death counts either - these are people’s lives we are talking about. And i get the frustration too, the US hasn’t had the best track record with external affairs but there are ways to reach a peaceful conclusion and this is not one of them. Alternatively, i was watching the press conference today with Sec. State and the media was really pushing Pompeo to show strength. Questions alluding to the notion that even tho Iran didn’t kill anyone, bc they had intent to kill the US should respond with stronger retaliation. Those who battle, whether symbolically or not, are the one’s that have the greatest respect for each other. For the most part, solders who have seen war advocate against it almost invariably. I recall my grandfather (Sargent in WWII, enlisted when he was 13 years old and has no formal education) argue with my father (his son) on why the Iraq invasion WOULD be diasterous before we even went in. Symbolically, i see the utmost respect between olympic wrestlers. US champs like Jordan Burroughs and Kyle Snyder giving Yazdani all the love in the world.

Anyway, this contention is a man made construct that doesn’t need to be like this. I’ve been to the middle east, I’ve seen Hezbollah (the political party and the poor refugees, not the terrorist group) and the vast majority people just want harmony and it’s the weak who have never experience any form of battle that want war.

STL - I’m with you (my wife’s from that region so i agree on mutliple accounts)

It is such an f’d situation, especially frustrating since we should never have been in Iraq at all. If you pull out of Iraq there is a power vacuum now, so what happens next is unpredictable. Maybe Iran comes in and takes it. Maybe KSA starts sponsoring terrorists in Iraq in response in a proxy war. Maybe KSA straight up starts trying to stake out some territory as well. Maybe another extremist organization like ISIS fills the vacuum making it difficult for Iran to maintain order and, since Iraq is a neighbor, this destabilizes Iran.

So frustrating on so many levels.

Yeah everything worked out perfect except a plane full of innocent people got blown out of the sky. Plus, we didn’t really achieve anything strategically besides proving we can really piss off the Iranians without real repercussions. Outside of that, Aces!

This sounds nice, but the reality is a lot of soldiers disrespect each other. US military has been caught multiple times abusing mid-east prisoners, stripping them, humiliating them, etc. Japanese cut genitalia off of killed US soldiers and left them in their mouths, vivisected a crew of shot down pilots, Rape of Nanking, etc, Native Americans scalped, Russians raped killed and tortured German soldiers, ISIS tortures and beheads, list is virtually endless. I also know a lot of currently active vets that for whatever reason love going to war. Special forces and US brass in particular haven’t seen a fight they don’t want to be part of, which is why I’m always leery of taking the Pentagon’s point of view on things like continuing involvement with the Kurds.

Not really accurate unless you’re so biased you willingly stuffed your head up your own @ss for all of 2019 and missed the Iranian escalations. Iran has been consciously and slowly escalating their regional presence, particularly in Iraq.

KSA can never have Iraq.Iraq is Shiite majority and they would rather die than have another Sunni rule them. The minority Sunni is also partly Kurds who are technically not Muslims so it is very natural for Iran to take Iraq over.

I guess not believing everything Trump’s tweets or Fox news reports is having your head up your a$$.

Iran hijacking freighters, striking KSA oil fields and the Iranian escalation in Iraq all in the past few months have been well documented across a variety of outlets and official sources. Even the failing NYTimes has covered the surge in Iraqi violence over 2019 by Iranian backed militias, you’re just showcasing your ignorance and bias as usual.

Staying out of the Middle East discussion,

But the New York Times isn’t really failing. It’s actually doing pretty well.

Yeah but it just lacks the same ring.

I am not for escalation. But I do believe in tit for tat. Imo the us is the aggressor and Iran is merely responding. But I think Iran responding with violence is stupid as we are a lot bigger. It’s like when a nerd stands up for himself. Commendable for sure but please prepare to get the biggest beat down of your life.

So . . . someone said, “I dare you! I double-dare you! I double-dog dare you!”

It is the president of America who did that. He likes to make enemies with oil producing countries.

who has lower IQ, monkey or nerdy?

that was easy. nerdy my man!

sorry monkey one day…try an American uni (Pheonix, DeVry, ITT)

Iran’s people will be free. World Peace is here, but you already knew that

Say it with me bros — Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.

no im not sponsoring you for a green card. as nery says poor and stupid not allowed in USA