
sports jackets are soley for fat rich men over 60. usually complete with 3 shiny gold buttons on the outside of the sleeve.

fapping with your left hand is like being wanked off by a girl.

i think the definition of “sports jacket” is very gray… i still don’t know if everyone is thinking about the same thing here.

Is that good or bad?

I think you are confusing sports coats with blazers. Blazers are the ones with the gold buttons, are usually dark blue, and sometimes have a country club emblem on the front. Sometimes, the buttons have special symbols to indicate affiliation with some organization.

Sports coats are more casual and are usually made from rougher and more sturdy fabric, as these coats are meant for everyday use. Sports coats also usually do not have shiny buttons, as the coat is meant to be “practical”. Take this as an example. Note the rough fabric, loose fit, and general lack of ornamentation. I apologize for the rage that you will experience from viewing the douchey model with red pants.

[http://www.brooksbrothers.com/Own-Make-Herringbone-Multi-Plaid-101-Sport-Coat/MM00299_____BRWN_38___SH__,default,pd.html?cmp=bac_google_display_P_P_M_Mens_PLA&gclid=CPiTmPz5-LoCFYo9Qgod8mcAtA](http://www.brooksbrothers.com/Own-Make-Herringbone-Multi-Plaid-101-Sport-Coat/MM00299 BRWN_38 SH,default,pd.html?cmp=bac_google_display_P_P_M_Mens_PLA&gclid=CPiTmPz5-LoCFYo9Qgod8mcAtA)

Sounds like a uniform to me.

I don’t think blazers look like that anymore, at least not that i’ve seen.

There are so many blazers out there for men these days, from tweed to cashmere, from patterns to patchwrok… so many of these jackets are considered blazers in my mind, so i wouldn’t associate the “gold buttons” be the iconic blazer.

bad, they just don’t quite get the rhythm right

Not all blazers are blue, nor do all blazers have gold buttons. However, a jacket with shiny gold buttons is usually a blazer. Many of the jackets that you are describing, particularly the ones made of tweed, are likely sports coats, not blazers.


Take Chanel for an example, because they are famous for their tweed blazers for women, i have never heard anyone refer it as a “sports jacket”.

As well, other big brands also make blazers for men, Givenchy, Dior Homme, they all use many different types of material and pattern, like leather or floral, and i don’t recall them ever referring their jackets as “sports coats” either.

oh dear god, tweed sports jacket with red trousers. is that some sort of ye olde england fetish outfit?

So the other day I went into this store and it had colored jeans and I almost bought a pair. I don’t have the balls though. I know someone on her admitted to wearing mustard colored jeans. They looked swag

If you don’t think you can pull them off, you probably can’t.

The thing is, half of the time you look at glossy magazine where they take pictures of Parisian men and they just wear anything unapologetically, i think most of the time they look good because of their confidence.

in the uk it’s the other way round, a blazer is a catchall term and a sports jacket is only ever used to describe the gold buttons, 60 year old golfer version.

everytime I stroll down 5th in midtown and see the european men in their ‘colorful’ jeans I chuckle…and those that wear them are under 150lbs - and they still can’t pull them off…

stick with regular blue denim dude…

Do you work for Blackrock? Chinos and a polo is pretty much their uniform.

if you seem a group of them out of the office it looks like a special school day trip

Yes, in the Midland, Texas branch.

New Yorkers realy aren’t too adventurous with their fashion - perhaps only on the sets of sex and the city.

Esp men, everyone just wears navy and black, so i don’t blame you.

If i were to work in New York, i will dress in black and boring “contemporary” clothing as well, since nobody appreciates anything else anyway…

They way you describe sports jacket makes me think of “smoking jacket”…

NANA is Japanese StyleGirlfriend?

www.StyleGirlfriend.com ???

also recommend the slimming but not skinny :


i just checked out stylegirlfriend.com, while everything on there is technically fine, but it’s also quite… boring. Everything she recommends is straight out of GAP or Banana Republic catalog (which is fine for everyday ordinary men!) - it’s nothing exciting.

wtf are u talking about? have you ever even been to new york? half the city is fucking wearing some adventurous shit . nani troll ////<>\\\