Trump engaged in 'perverted sexual acts' monitored by Russia

The thing that mattered most was when he said he would cut (presumably Medicare/Medicaid) spending on drugs. Stocks did not like that much, since it’s an anti stimulus… although maybe it is a good thing in terms of policy.

Is RFK, Jr. really that much more reliable than Trump that you take his statement as fact? If he is officially named to chair a committee on vaccine safety, that would indeed be alarming, but as yet he hasn’t. While some of Trump’s comments on vaccines have been misinformed, I don’t think it’s a bad idea to explore the idea of improving vaccine safety. The recent reversal by the NIH on when to give kids peanut products is a pretty good illustration that we sometimes get things wrong. To have an honest, open discussion of an important issue, you should at least listen to those with differing opinions.

Should you always listen to opposing views even if those views are dangerous and in opposition to the heavily prevailing evidence and opinion in the medical community? That seems like very bad policy to me.


Lots of butt hurt around here. Here’s some advice: don’t read or listen to the news for the next 8 years (what you don’t know will make zero difference in your life). Then come out in force to vote in the next libtard, then the republican’ts can put the earmuffs on for their 8 years.

Ahahaha yes! I knew it was all an act. Don’t see too many buddhists these days running around talking about being “butt hurt”. Just took a little fake news on the other side to bring you back.

Well I’m satisfied. Lock 'er up.

wake up with some woke truth. the sun is rising!


I mean, it’s always worth listening. Medical stances get reversed all the time. I think he’s wrong, but I’m just saying this as a general point.

While I agree with you in sentiment, I think you’re reaching.

Yes I think that’s been clear since the beginning. This topic was never really meant to be serious.

Doonesbury from 12-18 predicted today's press conference almost exactly verbatim.

Turd, Info Wars? Come’on man. Shame

^ Yeah, I saw that guy in the picture raving about 9/11 being an inside job…Spare Change type of thing. C’mon man…

He also believes the moon landing was faked im pretty sure. Hes so woke

y’all are just victims of the in house drive-by


17 agencies can’t be wrong, right? get woke y’all.


you cant seriously keep posting infowars and act like its not a wing nut conspiracy site TF. You need to get woke, bad

Wait, this nut paid prostitutes to urinate on a bed Obama slept in 4 years earlier? Wow I thought the “grab them by the pu$$y” tape was strange. This is a whole new level of creepy billionaire weird.


Bump based on recent media attention.