Trump Wins!

^wow you’re angry

I have no dog in the fight. Just providing a source to back up MLA’s previous statement as there was a question about the facts.

us trump haters only bring it up because trump lovers like to think he’s a business genius.

Trump lied then to the American people, he said he turned $1 mm and turned it into $10 billion

this is a good point. to get an apples comparison you’d have to assume a withdrawal rate that would have funded his lifestyle/consumption over the same period, no? at any rate it’s a stupid argument. the true yardstick is that he has been banging models his whole life.

I agree with the first bit about a standard growth rate not being a fair benchmark for him, but I also dont agree with people who blindly think this man was some business wizard. He has done well, but one could assume his beta is probably somewhere around 1 to his industry (either slightly above or below). The fact that annoys people is that he tries to play it off like he came from nothing, which is far from true. He jumped into a business he had connections in and expanded with capital from his family. Nothing wrong with that, but its a far cry from what he makes it sound like.

trump only bangs models because of the illusion of wealth he’s created and his personal brand. He’s done well with marketing and that’s why he’s relevant at all

i bet no one here would trust DRUMPF with their money. NO ONE

Those gold diggers need to start doing a better due diligence huh?

Well said

Oh, I wasn’t talking about your comment. I was referring to MattLikesAnal yst

Which Clinton isn’t a serial liar? The one who said “no I didn’t have sexual relations with that woman” or the other one who’s list is so ridiculously long it’s laughable. Benghazi, landing under sniper fire in Bosnia, emails, etc

firstly, we can assume that the job that trump got to walk into paid for his lifestyle and then some. you have to separate what he makes from the business in salary and the equity he owns in the business. are they related? yes. does he make more than his brothers and sisters as a result? yes. the key question is what was trump’s eventual interest in Trump Enterprises worth when he took over? and what is he worth now?

trump himself said he was worth $500M in 1982, some to most (nobody knows) of which came from daddy and his role in daddy’s organization. investing $500M passively in pretty much anything would’ve done better than what he has now. in the S&P 500, it would’ve been $20B. investing in other things would’ve been less but probably still more than his current estimated pre-tax wealth of $3-$10B. and he could’ve worked at McDonalds to help support his lifestyle. he then inherited another $50M+ in 1999 when daddy died.

my stance isn’t that donald is the ultimate hacksaw, just that he’s been incredibly unsuccessful in many things, certainly in the day-to-day operations of his business for the past 33 years, and particularly the things that he came up with himself. his daddy’s connections and team performed most of the wealth creation. he dealt mostly in wealth destruction.

also, comparing his worth to the S&P 500 has some merit has he has invested in basically every sector over his lifetime, and quite a bit of his earnings power and worth is tied to media.

I would rather trust a businessman who has a great deal of experience doing deals and running a business than a career politician who only knows how to tax and spend. Obama never had any fiscal responsibility prior to the white house, and look where things are now. And now we have Hillary that wants free college for all, and Sanders who wants to give away even more stuff and taxing everything to oblivion to pay for it.

The day Trump decided to run in June 2015, he was on the Bill O’reilly show and Bill asked him what he thought his odds are of winning. Trump answered less than 10%.

I don’t think BLOOMBERG is even interested… 1 BLOOMBERG = 10 Donald Trump.

Bill Gates = 2 Bloombergs = 80 Donald Trumps

BillG for President.

I recently saw one of those conspiracy things floating around facebook blaming bill gates for Zika… that gave me a chuckle. Bill Gates going from the Gates Foundation to President seems like it would be a downgrade for him. President is a terrible job everyone hates you.

Pretty disappointed in Massachusetts. Wasn’t even close and it was a given he’d win before yesterday even started. I took a dem ballot just to keep Bernie out of it.

He’s turning everyone cukoo. Donald doesn’t drink. His exes still love him. He gets along with his family members. Many from both sides of the aisle consider him a friend. He has employees that have worked for him for decades. He’s been in the public eye for fifty years and no report of eratic behavior. No Sean Penn moments. Yet, the line is he’s unstable and not fit to be president. People are losing their own minds. Some how enforcing the current immigration laws is now radical. Returning power to the states is extreme. Men with no executive experience are considered more qualified. So, what specifically will Trump do as president that will be so detrimental? Who’s history is more clear? The current president or Trump? The answer to that is far more scary to me.

Not true.

33% love you, no matter what you do.

33% hate you, no matter what you do.

33% don’t care, no matter what you do.