USA Gun Violence

To Turd’s credit there’s a lot of mindless appealing to authority that gets kicked around here. Learn to think for yourself.

yeah i know that is the reason why i gave the links out below…it goes over how and why that 4% is arrived and what it means to be mentally unfit…not the meaning we use or the media uses but what the people in psychology and neural brain people world use.

I’m sorry but this is one of the funnier things I’ve ever read. Turd’s entire narrative is just regurgitated conspiracy theory taken directly from the hellscape that is 4chan.

Appealing to an anonymous user named Q is no different than posting links from CNN. They’re both, *starts laughing*, authoritarian figures.

not your bro…unless you’re a golden bear or delta upsilon…

Anyways…i gave you those links because it goes over the stats and the meaning of mental health.

Right, so lets just take your premise at face value. Noting that severe mental diseases (which was the original study, focusing only on DIAGNOSED schizophrenia and major disease) were only responsible for 4% of non-suicide gun deaths is not the same as saying mental health was not at cause, particularly since many things go undiagnosed and there are many less severe forms of mental health issues.

That said, you took this 4% stat as indicating that therefore, mental health was not the issue in gun violence.

Yet when assault weapon deaths account for less than 1.5% of gun deaths, people argue that assault weapons are the problem :bulb:

Hmmmm… consistency, consistency.

Ok that’s fair although I mentally block out most of that stuff like ads, sorry Turd.

Gross mischaracterization. Things I post show evidence of the conclusions I’ve drawn over several years.

Ive been calling for the need for The Great Reset for years. I correctly recognized the start of it w Trump and am reporting on it as it unfolds.

We actually agree about some things. But the fact that you think the Trump admin is anti-establishment is beyond comprehension. Your only proof of that is some obscure links to this “war on pedophiles” or the growing count of sealed indictments. Meanwhile in the real world, straight line GOP policy is being implemented by billionaires, bankers and corporate lobbyists.

What an epic reset, indeed.

it’s possible and i had my suspicions early on, but time wil tell. the simple fact that both sides are so desperate to impeach him indicates he is a threat to the establishment.

What are your thoughts on this new war cabinet? Trump was pretty clear on his stance during the campaign and it seems like a 180 from what we’ve seen in the past week.

Bolton is just a negotiating tactic for dealing with NK.


Another L for the NRA

Update: 3,259 3,305 killed by guns in the USA in 2018 thus far.

Unless you can prove he did not have undiagnosed schizophrenia, this still does not disprove the NRA memes saying the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.

Not sure what exactly the UK example has to do with it. Care to elaborate?

Anyway, I’ve been robbed at gunpoint many years ago in a different town. That is probably the closest I’ve come to death. If that guy had a knife, I’d probably have a much better chance of coming out alive for myriad reasons. It takes a lot more to kill someone with a knife and it is hard to do by accident. As you know, a handgun in an inexperienced person’s hands can easily go off without warning, especially in a high stress situation like a robbery. Honestly, that was what I was most focused on during the mugging: keeping my head out of the line of fire because that thing could go off at any time. If he had a knife I would have focused on whether he intended to use it, whether he was fast enough to catch me and whether he brought himself with range for me to disarm him. Guns, and handguns in particular, are just a much more potent weapon and in the hands of an amateur are much more likely to cause death and destruction.

Comparing a knife to a handgun is kind of like comparing heroin to fentanyl. Both are dangerous, but one can kill you far more easily. However, much like fentanyl, I realize that handguns are out there an available, so it is more a matter of how to manage the carnage.

It seems to me that people are really inaccurate when shooting guns. You’d think they’d be better. Sad.

can we keep a running total of opioids, vehicles, and obesity also? I think we really need to consider banning spoons for making people fat and killing them.

But if it wasn’t a spoon they’d just find another way. For example, the new trend with the kids is “sandwich”, which is a disturbing cocktail of cheesy meat and sauce with bread as the primary delivery method, although tortillas are coming with the Mexicans.