Valedictorian brags about being in US illegally

I don’t. If you could read, you would know I didn’t say “all”

You don’t have evidence someone did pay “property taxes” for her either. So that’s not an argument in your favor at all. But she definitely used public services, so she’s definitely leeching off tax payers. Sounds like negative NPV to me.

And who gives a damn if she’s paying sales tax at Target? What is a FACT, is she’s here illegally, it’s literally a criminal offense.

For the first improper entry offense, the person can be fined (as a criminal penalty), or imprisoned for up to six months, or both. For a subsequent offense, the person can be fined or imprisoned for up to two years, or both. (See 8 U.S.C. Section 1325, I.N.A. Section 275.)

Who the hell cares about how much or how little illegals pay in taxes.

What I care about is their employer. Doesn’t anyone realize they’re a part of the underground economy which is riddled with criminal activites?

who deleted bchad’s post???


Itera if they paid rent, they paid property tax. If they owned (less likely) they paid property tax. That is a point in his favor. Property tax is baked into rents its not like property owners are just going to pay it out of the goodness of their hearts.

Looks like it’s been established that itera’s original claim of “illegals don’t pay taxes” is verifiably wrong. When will itera give up?

If he had any pride left, he would retire

You took the obvious point I was makig about perceived behavior and decided to pull a Geo and focus on a less relevant technicality. Bchad addressed it pretty well.

I deleted my own post when I realized this was a college valedictorian rather than a high school one. That makes the scholarship she got harder to figure out and less connected to the property tax issues. However, it’s true that itera’s claim that she didn’t pay taxes because she was here illegally has not been substantiated by any evidence presented here and is simply innuendo based on the logic: illegal alien => they didn’t pay taxes. That is simply false as a logical conclusion, even if many illegal aliens do earn via the informal economy (as do many officially unemployed citizens).

As for the scholarship, it could be a private scholarship, in which case whether she paid taxes or not is irrelevant to whether she deserved it. Or it could be some government sponsored thing in which it might be relevant (but again, requires evidence that she or her family didn’t pay). And there are other things, such as the idea that scholarships are often more useful when the people receiving them stay here so we can benefit from their training and education, so whether she plans to stay or not figures into the question.

When I deleted my post, I was sad to see the argument I made that suggested by itera’s logic that a high school student from a family who pays rent is therefore a theif because they get schooling yet don’t pay property tax. That would be a lot of people (citizens, legal residents, and nonlegal residents alike) that itera would be calling thieves. However, itera seems to think pretty much everyone is a thief, except perhaps the people who bought CDS on their own crappy mortgages before selling the mortgages to investors as the best thing since sliced bread.

What a joke. Your argument is akin to saying “obamacare reduced the uninsured by 10% wow obamacare is awesome!” But the reality is just ask the millions of people who are paying 3x power month for a deductible that is now 3x higher. How is that a net positive??? You pay more into the system, but on the whole you get screwed more than you benefit. NO ONE CARES if illegals pay sales tax at target if they pull out 5x in costs that society pays for them. Stop harping on them paying sales tax like it’s a net positive argument

Please remind me where I have ever said this. You need to pull out things I never said to support your argument? Let me quote you here “You are just throwing rocks at the wal hoping that some stuff sticks, inspector Javert.”

Where’s the evidence they paid?

You forgot income taxes. You made an explicit claim that illegals don’t pay taxes, something that’s proven wrong with five minutes of research. Now it’s about “net positive” okay…who cares? Where did you come up with the idea that every individual has to make a net positive payment in taxes?

it was a great post nonetheless. i dont think anyone cares about facts on AF :slight_smile:

That really is an awesome quote, isn’t it. I can understand the desire to try to use it correctly.

Where did I ever say any individual "has to " make a net positive payment in taxes? Oh. that’s right. I never did.

A US Citizen can pay no taxes due to low income/poverty net-drain on US society = fine by me. THe country has laws and as you long as you follow them, so be it.

An illegal immigrant who has committed a crime? Please. you can’t tell me comparing them is the same. And if you’re trying to use “oh they pay” as an excuse, then 1) where’s the evidence she has been paying? and 2) If “paying taxes” is good enough to cover a crime, then we should we welcoming the drug cartels, I’m sure they can pay handsomely.

Uh. You were the one who started off claiming they didn’t pay taxes. You were then proven wrong. Now you are just confused.

Really? Still sticking with that one? Repeating the same meaningless argument again in 2 sentences doesn’t make your case stronger.

Gonna have to side with Palantir et al on this one.

Maybe those death panels Obamacare was going to have are actually a real thing? You must prove you are NPV positive on tax payments to the government or you are dispatched