Venison & Exotic Meat

I’m sick of the hormoned out beef sold and the grass fed cattle from austrilian is damn expensive and is never availabile. I’m looking to buy some steaks of elk, or bison, or any other suggestions and was wondering if anyone in this community does this too

When I’m in the states I always go looking for grass-fed bison, Whole Foods used to have it. But last couple times I tried they had nothing. The guy just laughed at me “yeah right, I wish”. It’s a shame, but the planet’s food supply (especially America’s) is almost totally garbage now…should have implemented population control a long time ago.

I grew up in central PA. What you should do is buy a 30-06 rifle, take a day off at the beginning of deer season and go get ~$350 worth of wild meat. A lot of venison you’re buying otherewise is just farm raised the same as cattle. We used to have the first day of deer season off of school to go hunt. My dad hunts a lot so we’ve always got some sort of elk or deer around. Plus you get to eat it and know that you shot that thing.

Road kill

Or just stop eating meat

Ain’t nufifn’ wrong with chicken and fish.

Elk and Buffalo are delicious. I’m also on a waiting list for lion meat.

Aren’t deer farms in the US basically just large fenced in areas where the deer live “naturally”? Deer farmers aren’t raising deer in little pens and force feeding them now, are they? I wouldn’t put it past them, but didn’t think it had gotten to that yet.

We eat almost exclusively non-store bought food such as wild game that I have shot (deer, duck, goose, turkey, dove and pheasant) or fish that I have caught, and vegetables from our garden… If my HOA would allow chicken coops in the backyard, we wouldn’t buy eggs, either.

^This is a real man here.

I would like to be a real man and shoot animals, but there are no animals here, and no guns. Crossbow? But I still need animals…

In the US they’re primarily grass / grain fed, but to me, there’s little difference between that and grass / grain fed cattle (which you can buy). I see your point though.

You must be constantly shooting stuff like a full timet job.

This is so awesome. One of my dreams.

Where’s greenie to trump he smokes all sorts of meat in his Big Green Egg?

hunting is somewhat of an obsession of mine, and the wife is starting to get into it. We only have to feed the two of us since we don’t have kids. So, 2-3 deer, 2 turkeys, 60+ ducks, 30+ geese, and untold amounts of fish will last the two of us a very long time. I also travel all over the US and Canada to go hunting every fall/winter… this is what I spend almost all of my vacation days doing.

According to an officemate I had in graduate school, lion meat wouldn’t taste good because lions are carnivores. (He was, in fact, talking about tiger meat, but the principle still applies.)

Why do chicken coops always have two doors?

call it what you want, it’s how I was raised… small town, flyover state, USA, parents didn’t have a lot of money. Most kids i went to school with fished, shot guns, and took trucks/four wheelers mudding for fun. Like BS, we had the first day of deer season off school.

I think it’s more that we are evolved to like the taste of herbivores (“taste” depends on the taster). Which I guess makes sense, since from a survival perspective, we should be selected to hunt animals that won’t turn around and eat us…