WC exam candidates

Most importantly, please clean your filthy colon prior to the exam.

Is this even a question? Clearly a good fap the night before the exam is a must. Just be sure to use your non-writing hand to avoid a catastrophic wrist injury.

Hell yes!

Me and a buddy made a pledge last year that we would get absolutely fucking hammered during exam day. hopefully i’m still conscious when the champions league final kicks off.


great CFA motivation video

I take 2 weeks off and my boss definitely doesn’t look happy although I told him about it 4 months before. After the exam I will buy candies and chocolates for colleagues who have been taking care of my work when I am off… Should I buy something for my boss too?

Good luck to everyone !!

I awlays took the week before the exam off…was crucial in passing. Didnt buy anything for anyone…shit they shouldve bought stuff for me.

I got a work request email even though I explicitly sent a passive-aggressive blast friendly note on friday saying I’m out. -___-

def not buying anyone ANYTHING

Do you work at Walmart? jk

My colleagues would be pissed if I show up with candies on Monday morning because I was off for cfa - they’d rather I not bring them anything than bring candies. But maybe that’s just how traders are, anything below a lap dance and Cristal Louis Roederer is an embarrassment …so yeah I’d stick to nothing

So how was it?

To be really honest i think PM was quite easy…i am expecting 50/60….but AM was very bad for me…left an entire question blank …and few subparts….overall i left 25 points on the table….

Can i pass with 50-55% AM and 75-82% PM?

.I went through extensive preparation doing schweswer q bank,schweser volumes,finquiz mocks,schweser mocks,CFAI EOCs etc….I nailed PM and will be shocked if did not get 50/60……However i left 2 questions untouched in AM due to time management….Do i still stand a chance to pass?If i get 50% in AM and 80% in PM?

I am wondering if studying so much for L3 was worth it…Paper was really simple…I think instead of doing q bank i could have used that time to practice “writing Am mocks again”…

They were not testing my knowledge or intelligence in AM…They just wanted to test my writing speed…

I got ripped apart in the AM. Did well on PM. Likely fail.

Rahul, the am is always harder than pm, so that is sort of typical

AM was very easy on ‘concept testing’ part.However they wanted to test our writing speed more than IQ and intelligence and this hurts me…I know CFA material inside out…just because i cant write fast…i should not be stopped from getting the charter.

Not quite, did you write essays for AM or quick bullet points? You need to be concise and hit their target words.

Imo especially the format of the AM session doesn´t require only intelligence or knowledge. CFAI also tests behavior in stress situations and ability of verbalization of complex problems. If you deserve the Charter (overall), you´ll get it!

I completely crushed PM (aside from ethics which despite studying both the standards and AMC heavily, still think questions were rather ambiguous). I am second guessing myself bc a few of my friends who also took it had problems on the questions involving formulas, i thought this was the easist portion so i hope i didnt miss anything crucial. Tbh, i was scoring in the 90s on the mock pms so i think im in good shape

AM: despite doing 6 of the mocks and prepping for the time crunch, i still was rushed towards the end. I marked on each question the time alloted to these questions but never managed to get ahead of the clock. Ended up finishing with 10 secs remaining, leaving one supset of a subset half answered.

In the grand scheme of things, im feeling quasi confident but i could have very well missed key aspects and missed marks. I hope to join the ranks come august and finally start going to the boston chapter, we shall see.


I hate it when people whine about L3. You knew the format. You saw the examples online. You had a year to practice. If you know your stuff, you should be able to pass it. If you don’t pass it, then you didn’t know your stuff. Blaming handwriting or “time pressure” or “not able to articulate what I’m thinking” are nothing but excuses.

i think i passed it. fingers crossed and everything. if i pass this. im getting lasik eye surgery as a present for myself. bust the song.


Are you all L3? For me, AM was surprisingly easy. PM was brutal. Then again a lot of people that i chatted with hadn’t studied AT ALL. The people I knew there of course were (more) prepared (than I was haha). So who knows? 60/40 pass.

Re people who hadn’t studied though, at least they showed up. But seriously why would you bother spending $1000 on a test and only open ONE BOOK.