WC exam candidates

haha mindless tv. i’ve been watching entourage. whos excited for the movie.




I see where you’re coming from but I had only ~2-2.5 months to study for this (I love my job) - so 6th june is a lifetime away for me. I’m sure everyone’s got their own share of complications but iff, I wanna have any shot of passing, I can’t stop till I’m in the hall.

don’t care if I faint later

CFA is a memory test. If you are not certain of passing, there will probably be some benefit to studying, even until the last minute.

Yep. Heck, I even went over some economics notes during the lunch break for L2.

Good luck to all. And if you’re taking L3, be sure to have an empty bladder before the morning session and limit your liquid intake beforehand. You might need every second.

Different strokes for different folks.

If you feel like you’re still unprepared for the exam at this point there’s only two possibilities: 1) You are unprepared, and you’re going to fail regardless of what you do with this week; or 2) You’re just worrying yourself over nothing.

On the other hand, if you’ve taken a handful of practice exams and done well on them, I say again, put the books down. Giving your brain a rest will be more beneficial than the marginal improvement you may receive from memorizing an additional page of GIPS material. If you’ve been scoring in the 80% range on all the practice exams you should have been taking this last month, you’re already golden.

Relax and let the panic of the unprepared plebs wash over you.

Fu*k that…study every day until test day. I will say you should stop studying early enough the day before to rest and get a good nights sleep. I have always studied until the last day and stopped as early as 5pm and as late as 9pm.

+1. (and a corresponding -1 to Sweep)

I always took the week off before test day, and I think that I made a lot of progress during that week.

But I always stopped early on Friday. No point in studying after noon. You either know it or you don’t.

I’m trying a last minute push, but this damn cold of mine is getting in the way.

Dude worst advice in history. Your advice applies for the last evening before the exam or the last day,at most.

he’s just trying to screw people so it won’t dilute the charter

Pretty sure you could forget a fair amount in a week if you weren’t actively engaging with the topic.

Holy shit. That was ten paid weeks off I hope? And yeah, follow stl’s advice. Will help the value of my charter. Currency is everything.

Actually, STL isn’t wrong - ideally I should have started before I got my Dec L1 results, I should have dedicated time everyday after work no matter which broker is inviting me for a dinner/lapdance/whatever and iI definitley should’ve done mocks before this week.

BUT, I couldn’t, thats a fact - so, instead of whining about it and quitting, I’m gonna keep fighting till the end. But that doesn’t mean I’m not sleeping, I slept 8 hrs today, I don’t get to sleep that much on a regular working day…so its really a luxury - and now, I plan to use the rest of my day to revise only FRA and Equities (6hrs each, atleast).

People often confuse studying till last minute with being stressed - I think the trick is to be very very well rested and to cut all the unimportant conversations you have during the day (they all add up).

Like Al said in Any given Sunday - …the inches we need are every where around us, we can stay here, get the shit kicked out of us, or we fight…6 june is a lifetime away

Over and out

Although I agree that taking the last week off from studying is a bit much, it’s far from the worst advice in history. A few pieces of advice that are clearly worse:

We should invade Iraq to eliminate their WMD’s

We should elect Hitler

We should hold the World Cup in Qatar.

  1. Whatever your study strategy is (relax in final preparation or last minute cramming), it’s way too late in the game to change now. Giving study tips just days away from exam day can only lead to a crisis of conscience for those test takers. So stick with whichever your original plan called for.

  2. Study styles vary greatly from person to person. I myself was a crammer to the point of taking off the final Thurs and Fri (studying 10-12 hours both days), and even waking up early Sat morning to review flash cards, and also studying at lunch on exam day (FWIW, I went 3-for-3). But that’s me, not everyone has the same preferences. I was always a cram-type student throughout high school, college, etc. Have to figure out what work’s best for you.

  3. Good luck to all test takers…make sure to treat yourself to something special/fun Sat. evening.

Just recommending destressing before the exam. Taking time off worked for me. Going into the exam on the edge of having a coronary isn’t going to help you. Unless you have Asian parents. Then your default state is always on the verge of having a heart attack so maybe that’s what you’re used to.

Whatever you think works best. GL

I think my strategy will include a few pre-test shots of vodka. I always think I’m smarter when I’m drunk.

Definitely better looking.

Ah, but speaking of destressing -

fap or no fap the day before the exam?

(I am assuming “no fap” during the actual exam…)