What has happened to WC is a disgrace.

Turd was the hero we deserved and the prince that (who) was promised.

he was spamming the board for almost a year that is breaking rules


Post any content that is abusive, obscene , hateful, vulgar, fraudulent , threatening, harassing , defamatory , or which discloses private or personal matters concerning any person;

You know very well I don’t enforce those rules, with the exception of doxxing. And, yes, he was spamming the board. That’s why I attempted to keep his insanity to a single thread. Was it a complete success? No, of course not. But it was the best tool I had at my disposal. Believe it or not, I only received one single complaint about Turd over the years. Can’t speak for S2000 or Chad but no one was really making formal calls to me to ban him and I’m not the mod for you if you want me to be more on the strict side of things.

And Nery is correct. Although I didn’t get direct confirmation from Chad, I know he was looking into some pretty obvious vote manipulation and the problem has apparently stopped.

FWIW, I agree with Sweep. I didn’t think Turd’s postings rose to the level of obscene, hateful, or any of those things. Annoying, yes. But that’s not against the rules.

However, I do think that we should add a “Thou shalt not spam the water cooler with stupid sht or be extremely annoying” as one of our Ten Commandments.



Nery with -600 Karma though…

Too many dudes drinkin the hatorade.

I’d be more curious to see the distribution of who is actually voting, and which way they vote.


We’re supposed to be the brightest lot of financial individuals on the face of the planet, yet we care so much about which way a complete stranger is voting those little thumbs.

PS: Throw me a thumbs up would ya?

We’re supposed to be the brightest individuals. everyone else dumb hahahahaha!

Nery stop tiliting. Practice PMA to climb AF MMR ladder

None that I recall receiving.

Yeah he was just as bad as the Indian invasion


lol whats tiliting and pma!?

He was like Boris Johnson saying/posting whatever nonsense got the biggest reaction…

i think he genuinely believes it. Most crazy people do!