Who else hasn't even cracked a book yet?

I think I will start tonight. I am a notorious slacker. While I passed L2 with just 12 days of study, I failed L3 last year. I want to get this mofo over with, but I just don’t see myself putting in a ton of time.

Same here, Rick. I’m starting tonight. I’m already two weeks behind in the Schweser online class. Doh! I also am repeating, except this is my 3rd and hopefully final time. The previous 2 years I busted my behind studying. I knew the material but just couldn’t formulate it correctly in the essays. I did OK on the MC but not well enough. I just can’t seem to get motivated since I know that even being fully prepared just isn’t enough with this test. My primary goal in studying is to do every single problem from the CR books. There were some curveballs last year (performance attribution anyone?) that I probably would have done better on if I had done more CR problems. Also, I will try to nail the Ethics and GIPS questions. I will hopefully make it through the Schweser Q-Bank as well.

Read some of the behavioral finance stuff last night. Seemed to take a long time to get somewhere. I like the more succient format of Schwesser better. However, I think CFAI made an overt attempt to show you cannot rely completely on the providers. Sure, some people can do it but it leaves less margin for error. I think they will make it a point this year to make the test come straight from the books. I think they want everyone to say “Damn, I am just using their stuff now on.”

I started yesterday.

started last week through with SS#3 and SS#4… got my CFAI books today